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Zell am See LOWZ

We discussed this one in various threads but it didn’t happen, largely because it needs very good weather. So I have started a new thread on it.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’d say normal VMC conditions will do if you enter the valley from the West. I fly there when the ceiling is around 5000 feet.

10-12 July, anyone? The wx might be good.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Hey, I just might.

Would love to do that as it’s close by and the weather is supposed to be good. But on this weekend I’m already flying to Italy. Maybe another time.

The wx still looks good…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Would be an interesting trip, I have Friday to Sunday free.

EGBP Kemble, United Kingdom

This is the latest suggestion, from Achim

for the case where there is an overcast so one cannot fly to overhead and spiral down.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

That’s not how I fly. If you have never been there before the most simple way is to dive into the valley 15 miles west of the field and simply fly a long final.

Even when there’s only broken clouds around the high sumits in that area you do not want to spiral down around them. I tried that two times and some of the summits were in the clouds, and I did not like it. It’s okay in a Cub or 150, but in the Cirrus, or in a TB20 or Mooney that needs some space for circling it does not feel great. Not to me for sure. A long stabilized approach is much easier.

I might come too. If the rest of the family is gone to the grandparents that is, and if the weather is nice.

about 5 Miles final rwy 08

Last Edited by Flyer59 at 07 Jul 16:23

Flyer59 wrote:

f you have never been there before the most simple way is to dive into the vayll 15 miles west of the field and simply fly a long final.

Through a cloud cover? As Peter wrote, this route gives a safe and wide path from the flat country in Germany in case there is an overcast. I usually fly this at 5000ft MSL. Your proposal does not work in an overcast. Also you have to be very careful about the VRPs in Zell, they put a lot of emphasis on them.

PS: I fly that way even in CAVOK because it’s nice, convenient and safe.

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