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Santander GA FAQ

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Q1: Is the aerodrome PPR?
According to AIP it is, but it seems that in general it is not, and that if it would become PPR it would be notamed.
Q2: Is a handling agent mandatory?
Q3: Where to park.
A follow me car takes you to the light general aviation apron. There are rings to tie down your plane. The parking aera is not big, perhaps on a busy day it might be full.
A local pilot waived at me a high viz jacket, so I suppose it’s mandatory, although it’s not documented.
Q4 Landing fees
You pay on departure, its around 40 euros plus 18 per day for a 172.
No C sign anywhere. You climb the stairs in the terminal, and find a door with a sign “Flight planning”. You enter and can pay your landing fees. The first time they need to register you in their systems it takes 15 mn or so.
Q5: How do I get back to my plane?
You need a rubber stamped flight plan. At the flight planning desk, a terminal enables you to file your flight plan, once sent, they will print a copy for you, and stamp it.
Be careful to state the accurate POB.
Then you walk to the boarding gate, you show your flight plan. The security will allow your bottle of water, your nail clipper, I don’t know about swiss knifes.
If you have passengers, they will ask you to wait until someone is free to usher you to your plane. I once was alone and I was allowed to walk to my plane by myself.
Q6: Fuel?
On I refuelled twice there. They have an Avgas truck. 1/2 hour between my ATC call for fuel on arrival and the fuel delivered and the paperwork done. I paid with a BP card. They wanted to know my tax number, my destination (iata code only), and wether I would use more than half the uplift fuel in spain or not. I don’t know the price yet.
Q7 facilites?
As said above, you can file your flight plan with them. There is a weather desk where you can see the TAF and METAR of the local area, you probably can ask them for a more detailed report. There is no internet access facility I know of.
Q8 Language
Do the ground personnel speak English?
Yes, all the people I met there had an operational level of English and were kind and professional.
Q9 Miscellaneous
The terminal is the same for commercial and private aviation, so the facilities (bus taxis) are the same.

Paris, France
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