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Getting to Hvar LDSH (Croatia)

09. July 2022. @ LDSH
just FYI


LDSH December 2022. edition in green grass ;)
Small MS880B taking off on SAR flight in front of Dubrovnik.


Great to see Hvar back in operation. It seemed to be closed for years.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter, I don’t think it was closed. Just rather rather run down and sporadic activity.

Upper Harford private strip UK, near EGBJ, United Kingdom

Hi to both of you.

Peter, the airport newer closed totally.
The registration paper work goes since 1997. after reopening in 9A, that means 25 years of history.
The golden days in activity was 10-15 years ago. Since that the future of airport was quite uncertain because of several reasons.
Now days that small airport have clear ownership by local community and local aero club “Faros” is official operator.
We can claim that today LDSH is validated like “public good”.
Since 2018. the local AGER/HORA conservation base of field, included this small airport in definitions and protection base.
The special value of this small grass runway is use for secondary medical flights from the island – this is the best possible location
on the whole island, allowing operations even in marginal METAR conditions.
Since 01.01.2023. Croatia is in Schengen area.
The Schengen by air starting on 26.03.2023. so from that date this airport is in direct reach from all EU and other Schengen area states.
/ some opinions are that for General Aviation that is like 01.01. – same like the small boats/yachting /
Last year two small planes was based on LDSH, one (mentioned G109B) left because of regulations and the other MS880B is still present and
plan is to keep it there, with some small infrastructure improvement plans.
See you on LDSH soon ;)


Good to hear from Hvar again. I visited the place somewhen in 2007 or 08 and it was quite a funny gravel roller coaster. Remember lots of nice people, good food and some magnificent evenings spent with a local beauty … ;-). So, LDSH will be reachable direct when on Schengen treaty? That would be another reason to refresh fond memories.


It surprises me that with the huge wealth displayed in the Hvar marina the airfield is so decrepit.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

9A_LDSH wrote:

plan is to keep it there, with some small infrastructure improvement plans

Maybe a tarmac runway. That would be awesome!!

Upper Harford private strip UK, near EGBJ, United Kingdom

Buckerfan wrote:

Maybe a tarmac runway. That would be awesome!!

Please, No!
Any airfield converting from EC ecological correctness to ‘looks as if for rich kids’ will loose quite some of its congeniality.
Let’s stay gravel and gras and adventures and nature – Greta and the FFF wish to kill our travel optimum anyways …


Runway must stay as is because the whole field area are under UNESCO protection.
May be in future the (green) grass can be preserved longer in top summer season with some irrigation.
Some layers of fresh sweet water laying bellow the whole field. And the water from regular main land sources is present
on the field.

Peter wrote:

It surprises me that with the huge wealth displayed in the Hvar marina the airfield is so decrepit.

Marina biz model is big business, decent profit, operated on Split-Dalmatia county level under one harbor authority company.
This is small city ownership, non commercial operation.
The protection of field even not allowing some serious commercial operations development.
Just for ref. the near LDSB which is public registered but major private ownership, newer made direct profit!

You guys must be happy for having the chance to land at Hvar at all – together with us some of rare locals – ready to
cut the grass and collect some stones and FOD. For example New Year FOD check bring us some fresh quad tyres circle tracks
(destroying the new grown grass) and cola cans on threshold of 28 and fresh golf ball in the middle of runway.

Please do not expect miracles, but some decent level of safety can be expected in 2023. and on.
Read the
Expect the part about LDSH to be updated before early Summer.

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