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Supercar vs superbike vs F1 car vs private jet vs fighter jet

10 Posts

This is quite funny to watch… Another few seconds and the F16 would have been ahead, I am sure

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Saw this on I would have expected the F16 to win but obviously the motorcycle has a better power/weight ratio insofar as it reaches its top speed faster.

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

No surprise. Until you’ve ridden a 200 HP motorcycle you don’t know what ludicrously over powered means. 90 HP in a motorcycle is a lot, plenty enough for me anyway, and 45 is adequate to lead the pack on Alpine roads.

Probably, an electric car or electric motorbike will win this “acceleration contest” unless you add winched gliders or aircraft carrier catapulted F16s

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

I would have expected that too, but the Tesla came last.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

The fact that an electric vehicle has good torque is near irrelevant for this contest. The motorcycle has a close ratio gearbox that allows the rider to stay very close to maximum power RPM for the entire run, after it reaches maximum RPM in first gear.

Anyone have a clue where this is taking place? The video description on YT doesn’t say.

On watching a second time I noticed they also let a bizjet take part in the background.

Low-hours pilot
EDVM Hildesheim, Germany

Turkey I think.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Depends how far you put the finish line, the bizjet could have win the 2000km finish line !

Yes, I am also disappointed by the Tesla, an electric motorcycle could have done very well? But probably not that much really, the limiting factor on acceleration of a combustion motorcycle (that one is Honda 600?) is to keep it front wheels on the ground…

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

The Tesla said goodbye to the other “supercars” from the start. This is a pure power to weight ratio thing, and a little but of grip

They should have a top fuel dragster in there as well, then all the others would look like they were parked.

The elephant is the circulation
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