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Straight into hangar w/o opening door...

Pity for this nice classic.
The commentary suggests it was hit by a some gust. Are tailwheels really that sensitive ?

EDM_, Germany

That is a funny clip – thanks for posting.

United Kingdom

I laughed, then immediately felt guilty

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

I don’t really believe the “gust” theory – watch the video closely, and watch the rudder deflection. The rudder is deflected fully to the left as the aircraft begins to veer to the left, and remains deflected to the left as the aircraft leaves the runway. Either the pilot’s foot got stuck or the rudder got stuck.

Andreas IOM

That is like this one.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

ch.ess wrote:

Are tailwheels really that sensitive

Yes if you don’t deal with even the slightest swing or deviation immediately. After while you know it’s happening really early and nip it in the bud. There is a limit of course…….

Darley Moor, Gamston (UK)

I must admit I found no reason for a laugh, not even a smile.

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Avweb had a survey recently asking about involvement in loss-of-control on runway. I was one of the 16% “Yes” responses. I emailed suggesting it would be interesting to know how many of that 16% had acted as safety pilot to a low hours tailwheel pilot. Only once got off runway, no damage. Nil wind seems worse than a crosswind.
On an flight soon after our Group no longer required a safety pilot, in a flat calm, X went off the runway. The low experience ATC on duty informed the police, which was not a requirement.
The traffic car attended, The pilot was breathalysed. The engineer said the brakes and steering were O.K. After over an hour of questioning, the SATCO and myself approached the police car, and were threatened with arrest. We stood our ground, and the PPL was released. He had kept saying he didn’t know why the aircraft had swerved to the left. The police officer kept saying the engineer had found no defects, and asking for an explanation.

EGPE, United Kingdom

I worry about anyone who thinks this is funny and I’m well known as a piss-taker.

Forever learning

Maoraigh well done – threatening citizens with unlawful arrest is probably worth reporting – if these incidents are not recorded the system deteriorates.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom
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