I’m looking to buy 2*12qt of Phillips X/C 20W50 oil.
I need to be delivered in France, and look for best deal.
Thank you !
Much better pricing than Aircraft Spruce
Also available ex Holland
https://www.lubexcel.com/ has it in France (that’s where I order)
What engine is this for and what additives (if any) do you use?
Lyco IO540 AB1A5
With Camguard
Has worked well for the last 500hrs, I used AeroShell 15W50 before.
What made you change?
A search is quite useful
And your post from 4 years ago
Maybe Aeroshell 15W50 really is best avoided. I stopped using it a couple of years ago after a nearly stuck valve (I used 50/50 15W50 and W80). Now using just W80. There is also W80+ which is discussed here.
A data point against 20W50 is here.
I switched because of you folks :-)
Reading the post you mention, 4 years ago, I concluded 15w50 was not the best choice. I think Mike Bush had the same opinion ?
So i went to a mineral oil instead of semi synthetic.
Strasbourg Aviation who imported XC 20W50 in France had this opinion: better oil than 15w50, less consumption, overall excellent choice.
Last annual, one cylinder was taken out to inspect the internal wear / rust of the engine, and after 500 hours running on Phillips, nothing bad was to be noticed about valves.
Camguard has been used with Phillips since then with nice oil analysis results.
W80, south of France, with its -17 + 21C or so temperature range, is a bit marginal. From June to September one regularly has 30/35C on the ground. And with 100h/year, using different oils is not practical.