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Sources for IR images?

In Europe these all come from EUMETSAT which charges for it.

But some have been made available free.

SAT24 offers one which is actually very good because it is 15-minute updated

But one always needs a backup. This normally was the UK Met Office one at – past example:

but this now redirects to a near-useless interactive page here

Can anybody locate another website which delivers this IR image, for Europe, and which either presents, via a suitable URL, the latest image, or can be scripted with a bit of PHP to deliver the latest image?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Call me whatever, but I just can’t really work with “normal” satellite images.

I use the infrared images supplied by DWD (requires a log-in, €80 a year).

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

DWD also offers rebates if a flying club or a group of people take up a number of subscriptions.

We combined the 30 or so subsciptions various members of my local club held individually into one subscription for the club with 35 sub-licenses (every sub-license has their own individual access code) and are now paying only EUR40 p.a.

Not a big saving in the scheme of cost of flying but still.

EDML - Landshut, Munich / Bavaria

I remember seeing that one years ago but could not find anything even equivalent on there. Not for any free-access, anyway.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

The Turkish IR image updated every three hours, full of color to indicate temperatures.

LGMG Megara, Greece
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