Whilst filming at Manchester lat week we witnessed (and filmed) this American Airlines A330-200 carry out an extremely smooth landing.
We often see over the media lots of bad landings in dangerous weather but we thought we’d ask you all your thoughts on this landing and what other smooth landings have you seen?
Smooth landings are not generally encouraged in larger aircraft, for fear of aquaplaning and other things.
I once got severely criticised when flying air ambulance. I had a patient in the back with a broken back and the doctor asked for a very smooth landing. I did the very thing and you literally wouldn’t have known when the wheels touched the runway, but the runway was wet and the FO was very upset with my taking the risk.
Now THAT’S a greaser ! And a on a perfectly dry rwy – why not ? I’m sure the pax loved it.
Reading between the lines, I can’t help seeing the opening post as a suggestion ourselves perform no or few perfect greasers, therefore we should look at how others do it…
I don’t think there’s any such suggestion. If anything, the OP is fishing for clicks for his tube channel.
That was an amazingly perfect landing. I recall seeming a video of another similar one a few years ago. There is probably an element of luck involved, plus definitely very smooth air, but these pilots are really current and know their plane.
If anything, the OP is fishing for clicks for his tube channel.
That is well spotted… but I will leave it here because it is relevant.
How many clicks do you need to make money?
Timothy wrote:
Smooth landings are not generally encouraged in larger aircraft, for fear of aquaplaning and other things.
Why would that be a problem? My understanding of aquaplaning as far as I was taught about it when learning to drive a car was that if you are aquaplaning then it is best to simply keep going straight ahead – road permitting – and nothing bad happens. The problems start when you steer. I assume in an aircraft that a perfectly smooth landing is also perfectly lined up with the centerline, so what could possibly happen?
MedEwok wrote:
The problems start when you steer. I assume in an aircraft that a perfectly smooth landing is also perfectly lined up with the centerline, so what could possibly happen?
Reduced braking action and increased chance of an overrun.
MedEwok wrote:
I assume in an aircraft that a perfectly smooth landing is also perfectly lined up with the centerline, so what could possibly happen?
If you are aquaplaning? An inability to stop….
Not to mention the risk of weathercocking in a crosswind.