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Searching for used / overhauled prop for Beech 35-C33 with IO-470-K

Hi guys,

I searched for specific rules here as I am new and I hope that the post doesn’t violate any rules here. Just stumbled across this forum and I am quite impressed by the board.
My situation is a bit tricky and I will spare you the details. I own a Beech 35-C33 and it is AOG for more than a year now. It has been physically restored but unfortunately, I made a mistake when buying a propeller and the prop is only FAA approved while the plane is in EASA land (I know that it could be healed but there are reasons why it isn’t possible in this very moment which I spare you as the story would be rather long). Long story short, now I am almost broke and I need another fitting prop which is why I am reaching out to you. Does anyone of you have an overhauled or used version (or an older unused) of the following props flying around and is willing to part with it and to ship it to Germany for a reasonable price:

McCauley 3A36C434/80VEA-0
Hartzell PHC-L3YF-1RF/F8468A-6R
MT MTV-9-D/200-52( )

I would be increadibly thankful!
Thanks for your help in advance.

EDDV, EDVM, Germany

If the prop has been approved under an FAA STC but no corresponding EASA STC exists, you can apply for a one-time EASA validation of that STC. Though not a trivial exercise, it is certainly cheaper than a whole new prop.

LKBU (near Prague), Czech Republic

Ultranomad wrote:

been approved under an FAA STC but no corresponding EASA STC exists, you can apply for a one-time EA

Unfortunately, this isn’t an option yet as the plane is technically (and luckily) not yet registered under my name. I just need a prop (even if I just borrow one for a certain time).

EDDV, EDVM, Germany

The registered owner of the airplane should not be a factor in the process to have EASA validate an FAA STC on a US state of design airplane. For my experience EASA has rather punishing fees (which is a disincentive to compliance) but other than the fees, my experience with EASA has been pretty good (I do this work in Canada normally). EASA does require more noise compliance than the FAA, which can impede FAA STC acceptance. EASA has more restrictive noise regulation than the FAA had when a lot of FAA STC’s for prop changes were issued, so it could be that EASA is only impeding your process on the basis of noise, and that’s hard to overcome.

The first question I’ll ask (‘cause I hope it’s a “yes” already) is have you checked the type certificate data sheet (3A15) to see if the prop you have is approved on that model 35? If you’ve checked, and there is no connection on the TCDS, then you’ll need an STC.

You say that the prop you have is “FAA approved”… The prop will have its own type certificate, which will state which engines it’s approved on, but not which airplanes (so it’s “approved”). You imply that it’s approved on your 35-C33 on FAA land, is that by airplane type certificate? (If so, EASA should really just accept that), or by FAA STC, which is back to EASA can be asked to accept that FAA STC, or issue their own.

What is to exact number of the propeller you have?

Home runway, in central Ontario, Canada, Canada

Guys, please have some faith in my research abilities and intellectual properties. I have discussed this issue very (!) often with almost anyone who is knowledgeable. There is no short term solution other than getting another prop. And my fingers will hurt if I type the whole story here.

EDDV, EDVM, Germany

constantin_w wrote:

Guys, please have some faith in my research abilities and intellectual properties. I have discussed this issue very (!) often with almost anyone who is knowledgeable.

Fair enough, you sound frustrated… And, understand that I get many inquiries of this nature in Canada, and often the answer is: It’s already approved, here’s how…, and it saves the person the expense of an approval.

My experience with propeller changes: Least cost: find an existing approval, which can be accepted/applied, more cost: have an approval done (I’ve done dozens), next greatest cost: buy an approved propeller for the application, most cost, do an approval for the prop you want, including a noise test!

For your reference, in my work with EASA propeller approvals a few years back, the following propellers were on their noise compliance list (some are by FAA STC). I take to mean that there is an EASA accepted approval, because EASA lists them on an EASA noise list:

Hartzell Propeller Inc. PHC-L3YF-1RF/F8468A-6R
McCauley 3A36C434/80VEA-0
McCauley 2A36C23/84B-0
McCauley 3AF32C76
Hoffmann Propeller HO-V92/195C
Hartzell Propeller Inc. PHC-A3VF-4/V8433-4R

In the list I have from EASA (which is a few years old now), the only MTV-9 application is on the IO-520 engine installation in the 35-C33, so if you have a different/newer approval for the MTV-9 that’s great! There may be more props than I have listed here, if EASA has updated that list.

I did an EASA accepted noise test (for which they briefed me during a meeting in Cologne) for an MTV-9 on a 182 amphibian a number of years back – a big task!

Good luck

Home runway, in central Ontario, Canada, Canada

I am highly frustrated but not because of you but because of the [removed – please don’t post in such language especially on your day 1] I had myself draged in by the shop. “Don’t worry we can work that out” is something which raises all red flags for me nowadays… I have an airplane stuck in Belgium for almost a year AOG now which has two options: different prop or being stateless without a valid ARC.
The new prop is for sure the lower hurdle. When the prop is EASA conform, the plane may get an ARC with some legal tricks, will get-re-registered to me (finally) and re-flagged and then I will take your post into consideration to make sure that the McCauley C223 (which is currently mounted and factory new) will get accepted in some way – even though it is not listed in the noise compliance list atm. But that is a story for another day.

That brings me back to the question: Anyone here with an EASA conform prop that fits the plane?

Last Edited by constantin_w at 22 May 13:48
EDDV, EDVM, Germany

Hi Constantin,
Please send me a pm
- maybe i can help you


@Martins you should name your company.


Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

No Company- i am private .
I oben also a f33 with io 470k
and changed to MT

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