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Microlight / Ultralight up to 600 kg MTOW

Reviving this topic, the friend of mine who owns the Pipistrel Virus SW 100 600kg PtF aircraft is now putting it up for sale….. If you want to find it, look in the classifieds. Got any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask…

Oh, as some were asking: for an aircraft with 600kg and 100HP Rotax, at MTOW from sea level, rate of climb at 80knots TAS is around 1300fpm…. Cruise speed was typically around 130knots TAS, 22L consumption Super.

So if you’re looking for a modern aircraft which is fast and economical but doesn’t have the restrictions of microlights, whilst not requiring certified parts, this could be the one for you. If you’re shorter than 6 feet, that is. That’s my only gripe with the aircraft – if you’re taller than that, it gets cramped….

It can also be used for ab initio training….

@Peter: if this post isn’t acceptable, please delete….

EDL*, Germany

Reviving the topic,

France will not accept a ULM under the national rules above 500/525kg with parachute MTOW. There are other restrictions as well.

DGAC has put a blanket exemption for all ULM from permits in le salon mondial de Blois this year…arguably, it means there is really nothing why such restriction is around

PS: if anyone around Blois on Sunday September 4th, let me know

Blois Exemption 600kg ULM

Last Edited by Ibra at 25 Aug 12:11
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Indeed, maybe a good sign of things to come.

On the other hand, they have just rather recently decided to limit ULMs to 525kgs. They will have a hard to changing this so quickly. Hence, I don’t think the general situation will change all too soon.

In fact, when an individual flies his 600kg-ULM to and around France without the permit, that is one thing, and DGAC will likely never care. However, when it is such a major event, they cannot let everybody fly in “illegally” and not do anything. Hence, they needed this dispensation…

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

It is not strictly speaking the DGAC which demands the 500kg/ 525kg with parachute/ 550kg?? (with floats), it is the FFPULM. In other words the pilot’s federation. With the 600kg there are many other licence/medical/certification restrictions which the French federation of ULM pilots do not wish to sign up to. These restrictions move away from the “self declaration” which the FFPULM of licences/medical/maintenance etc.that they wish to safeguard. They become much nearer then to LSA, certification and the LAPL.


I did not say that it was DGAC to demand the limitation of MTOW of ULM. Of course, we know it was the microlight federation. But DGAC is responsbile for overseeing compliance with airspace and airworthiness rules in France, and that is where they get into play.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Of course, 1) it’s federation FFPULM that wanted to keep things in 500kg/525kg for the obvious reasons you mentioned, mostly keeping the lid on liberty of ULM flying while being unregulated with lot freedom for medical, training, maintenance, platforms…which is really a good thing in my opinion

Having said that, 2) it’s the DGAC who does not give blanket flying approval to 600kg WT9 for say Belgian pilot flying it with his Class 1 medical using ATPL+SEP

I think we are talking about 2) here not 1)

Edit: crossed with boscomantico post

Last Edited by Ibra at 25 Aug 13:47
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Actually @Ibra I don’t think you are correct there. A Belgian pilot flying a ULM of 600kg on an ATPL +SEP licence on a WT9 has no restrictions AFAIUI.
The restriction is on flying a 600kg on a ULM licence with no medical. Providing that the pilot/licence/medical etc meets the regulations of the country of registration?
I’m not sure where the UK fits exactly because I’m not sure of where the microlight licence fits into the scheme of things. I also believe that for a French pilot to fly an F-J reg in Spain s/he needs a Class2 medical. But things are changing year by year. But I don’t see France going to 600kg anytime soon and if they do I would also see the FFPLUM pushing for Night VFR and possibly even IFR to be allowed.
There are around 16000 ULMs in France according to the figures released earlier this year. I don’t know if they include all 6 categories of ULM. But for the most part IMO ULM pilots here are content possibly even happy with their lot and they don’t want the boat rocked at thr moment for no good reason.


Nope. When the French goverment writes:

it is clear and categorical. ANY foreign 600kg-microlight must get a permit from France before entering the country.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

The restriction is on the aircraft, anything factory UL = 600kg need DGAC permit

Then, any pilot flying VL3 in France will need Class 2 or LAPL medical

The restriction is on flying a 600kg on a ULM licence with no medical. Providing that the pilot/licence/medical etc meets the regulations of the country of registration?

That is not true, unless you are saying Belgian pilot in his 600ks VL3 can fly to Blois without Class 2 Medical or LAPL medical between 2nd to 4th September as per that letter? I don’t think that is true neither

Ignore homebuilts, amateurs and vintages? maybe it’s what is causing confusion here? that is a separate agreement, I can fly G-reg small weight warbird replica of Spitfire that I built in my hangar with Pilot Medical Declaration in France…but that is homebuilt kits not factory ULM !!!

Last Edited by Ibra at 25 Aug 15:31
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

No. What I am saying is that AFAIK there is no reason why a Belgian Pilot holding an LAPL, PPL or ATPL plus a class 1 or class 2 medical cannot fly a 600kg VL3 in France providing they can fly it in Belgium. But I will check up on that when I get home. I seem to remember something in the latest FFPULM magazine.

The Blois derogation would seem to be on the lines of the Belgian pilot in his 600kg VL3 can fly it to Blois during those dates on whatever licence and medical or self declaration that they would need to fly in Belgium.

But as I say I will double check with FFPULM.

Last Edited by gallois at 25 Aug 15:57
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