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More European airfields that are going to 91-octane unleaded Avgas only (or even to mogas only)

10 Posts

Another one I just came across.

Montélimar LFLQ is now 91UL only.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Redon LFER too. But they don’t sell fuel to strangers except for safety reasons (low fuel situations).

LFOU, France

I wonder what common engines can use this. DA20 (with 912S) manual says to use >= 95 RON.


You are mixing up RON and MON.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Tech discussion of fuels is here

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thanks Peter.

As mentioned before, Castelnaudary LFMW is another one.

There might be a few more in France that had 100LL until recently, which are now 91UL-only.

So this seems to take place mostly in Sweden and France right now.

I am not aware of any such airfield in Germany yet.

Italy does not have any 91UL at all, so this case does not exist there.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Some clubs did look to cut costs using Mogas (SP98, lot cheaper) and Avgas (UL91, 0.2€ cheaper), many are adding ULM to fleet as well for obvious cost reasons, here is an example:

Others have renewed fleet with other machines by taking advantage of low financing (“green transition packages”). At Rouen, they sold older Robins and now they got 3×Bristell (+own SP98 Mogas tank) trainers as well as DA40NG (JetA), WorldFuels are looking to leave the business (Total are looking to put 100LL pump and JetA truck)

Small Paris GA airfields, now have “UL AERO SUPER +” which is SP98 without ethanol (basically, 87/88 Avgas without lead), at 2.5€/L I am not sure what this adds, maybe Rotax flyers who can’t carry 40kg?

Total are working on replacement of 100LL with Lycoming (Hjelmeco don’t have plans)

Last Edited by Ibra at 13 Jun 07:55
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

For France Total has a list (it’s not up to date since it does not have Montélimar or Castelnaudary). Gap is also missing while it has had UL91 since 2022 at least (current VAC version).

Googling UL91 VAC charts yields many more fields. Shame that there is no consolidated and up to date list, it would be useful for planning.


I am not aware of airfields with BP & Total that changed 100LL offering into UL91? the ones mentioned here are airfields managed by local aeroclub, including fuel, who decided to switch their own fuel

At StAndreDeLEure (LFFD), we have 100LL pump managed by Total and new UL91 pump installed by club (it’s not Total and we can’t sell UL91 to visitors except with lot of paperwork). At Dreux (LFON), Total has installed new 100LL pump last year (it’s not in VAC/AIP yet but it’s on fuel .pdf)

Last Edited by Ibra at 13 Jun 08:20
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

boscomantico wrote:

I am not aware of any such airfield in Germany yet.
Me neither, however, I do know some places in Germany that exchanged Mogas (Super or SuperPlus) in favor of the more expensive 91UL. And even some airfields, like my former home base EDKM, exchanged Mogas for JetA1, and therefore lost unleaded fuel completely. 100LL however seems to be still available almost everywhere.
Last Edited by Frans at 13 Jun 08:31
10 Posts
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