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Meet up weekend 23-25 May 2015 (Dresden EDDC)

In any German City (but I bet you know that already) you will find many very good high quality restaurants, and also ethnic food from a variety of countries (Not many British restaurants though :-))

Not many British restaurants though …

Not many, but there is one in Dresden :
And of course you will find Irish Pubs in every German town with more than maybe 20.000 inhabitants.

EDDS - Stuttgart

No Zeppelin museum, but a Transport History Museum
They are closed on Mondays, except Easter- and Whit Monday :-)

WX prognosis for the northern and the middle part of Germany incl. EDDC turns out to be better than expected over the last days … good to see!

As I said, ETA is around 14 lcl, but I don’t know exactly about our planned activities in Dresden, this is my g/f’s task since her parents are with us – I guess the typical things but shopping, maybe Zwinger, the Frauenkirche, a ride on the river and all that stuff. I’ve never been in Dresden either (shame on me), so the time will be pretty much filled with excursions.

I learned that Lenthaman is in Dresden, too – who else has decided to fly in?

If the weather is ok I might fly up from Munich Saturday late afternoon and stay until Sunday, ort maybe stay until Monday morning and then fly to the Czech Republic for work after that.

Last Edited by Flyer59 at 20 May 10:08

I plan to be there, departing EGKA 0800Z Saturday.

I guess the flight would be 4-5hrs.

Not sure about passengers at this point.

Any airport PPR/PNR e.g. for Customs/Immigration?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter: EDDC is an international airport, so no problems w/ customs/immigration I assume. I wrote a short email to

[email protected]

(see AIP) and got an answer w/ regard to handling within minutes a couple of days ago. My recommendation is to do the same and ask about all the necessary stuff, brings you on the safe side.

Last Edited by Wolfipilot at 20 May 11:21

Customs/Immigration will be available from 0400 – 2300.

I booked a nice apartment in the Altstadt (Historical City Center).

As for meeting up: I’m in for any suggestions.
A group activity (like a Segway tour or maybe a sightseeing tour on one of these historic paddle steamer boats) might be cool too…

A boat trip sounds good

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

If you’re riding around on boats and buses etc, you might try the hop-on hop-off bus and its loop across the river and back. Any ladies will like the Dresdner Molkerei and I found it interesting to walk back into the old neighborhoods that are like something out of a 1920s or so time warp.

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