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Mandatory / minimal IFR equipment for Europe

…Peter, what what_next said…most schools use G1000 DA42 kit and in our case you might get examined on GNSS LNAV approaches in at least two airfields, and the databases are kept up to date. Inside CAS very usual to get shortcuts where competence on GPS is required. The G1000 is not that easily upgraded to LPV capability I understand, but no LPV fields nearby.

CAA examiners don’t seem as particular on quizzing about GPS as the FAA might, but quite happy to allow the non precision approach to be a GNSS one.

Does this mean the fATPL newbie is good to go IFR across Europe – from a flying skill perspective yes, although she/he might need some coaching on the flight planning – basically familiarity with auto routers.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

I was picking up on Robert’s comment on what I thought were old piston twins.

I know. Our old piston flight school twins have all been retrofitted with glass cockpits by now. Not because it is cooler and more sexy but because after a couple of years the investment pays off by saving maintenance cost and downtime. Even the accountants of flying schools on the solitary island will discover that sooner or later.

EDDS - Stuttgart

Maybe KLN 94 + separate 8.33 com would be the most economical solution?

It’s surprising how expensive the used 430s are! Installed, I can’t help thinking I should go for a GTN650 for a few extra AMUs, but at that point it becomes a “sell the plane and buy a retractable” proposition.

Tököl LHTL

Yes; the “rock bottom cheapskate” kit would be that, probably.

You would get BRNAV and GPS approaches, but not LPV. Also I would check the aspect of whether the KLN94 GPS output is usable for an ADS-B OUT regulatory requirement if/when one arrives.

You just need to find a KLN94 with an EASA-1 form (required for used kit). OTOH if you could find a KLN94 as brand new stock somewhere, an 8130-3 would do for a G-reg.

The KLN94 moving map is virtually useless but you would use some tablet app for actually seeing where you are.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Skydemon, that’s what we actually use! I didnt even take my 696 on my last trip, even though the subscrption is paid, because I have so many problems updating the card with Apple products (have to find a friend with Windows & never get around to it).

Last Edited by WhiskeyPapa at 27 Aug 18:31
Tököl LHTL
Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

That, Robert, would not be fittable (legally) to an EASA-reg

Also I wonder about database updates. Regardless of this being only legal window dressing (the BRNAV GPS presence for equipment carriage compliance) you will still need a current database.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

That, Robert, would be fittable (legally) to an EASA-reg…

Maybe but then an additional 8.33 COM will be required. For roundabout 2000 Euros. GNS430s can be found from 4000 Euros onward and also include VOR/LOC/GS. A much better deal I would say.

EDDS - Stuttgart

Sorry WN there was a typo in my post (NOT missing). I added it but not before you copied the quote

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

4000 EUR for GNS 430??? That is good news indeed! I might ask you to source one for me!

Last Edited by WhiskeyPapa at 27 Aug 19:25
Tököl LHTL
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