Morning Guys
I work for CAV Ice Protection in Consett, Co Durham. I enjoy reading all your posts about our TKS system, as we are the OEM and manufacture all the panels, pumps etc in the UK. If you guys have any questions about the system, please do not hesitate to contact myself. If any guys are in the area and would like a quick look round the factory to see how the panels are manufactured, please send me an email and I will try and sort out.Thanks
[ note 2025: “TKS” is no longer working for CAV and not active here ]
Welcome to EuroGA, @TKS
After my installation writeup, a number of people have contacted me asking if they can do their own install (with an engineer, obviously) but it has proved difficult. CAV in the UK sells only via CAV in the USA, and CAV in the USA has not been too keen on selling the stuff. And Airplus at EDNY (the only official agent for CAV in Europe; no other company gets a trade discount on the parts) is not interested in doing business either…
The installation is not difficult. It needs someone with more braincells than a “spanner monkey” though, because one has to, shall we say, “interpolate” a lot of the drawings in the STC and the fitting of the titanium panels needs to be done with a lot of care to do a decent job.
A factory trip for a group of us would be really interesting!
Hi Iain,
I will be next applicant for the installation, i guess, during the next year. I have contacted Airplus, will see how I can proceed with them. If not, will have to look for a perfect person for the installation.
Thanks Peter!
I understand we tried selling kits to private buyers in the past, and it became an issue with guys not fitting the panels correctly and if installed incorrectly who covers warranty etc. I will pick your comments up with the team about Airplus, I think we should have a few other fitting centres in Europe. As for a visit, if a few of you guys want a tour of the factory(Its not very big), please let me know and i will provide lunch.You are also very welcome to come on your own, would be great to have an afternoon talking airplanes.Iain
Hi Zsolt
Please let me know how you get on and keep me up to date with progress. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know. Thanks IainIain, thank you sent you an email.
As a comment, I could say that any installation or STC has a certain risk factor, specially any mod involving sheet metal work!
I believe that for the older aircraft which need retrofitting to keep cost under control by private buyers, the decision on liability in case of something goes wrong during install could be on the customer to decide.
Its understandable that CAV wants to keep its reputation as a quality product, but maybe it could be mitigated if the installer can provide the correct references under who’s supervision the installation is done with a clear action plan. I believe there is a huge gap to close between the cirrus TKS fleet and all the rest of the 30 year old fleet which still is quite capable but lacking a descent affordable TKS upgrade path. Specially in the most part of western and central Europe where IFR flying is real IFR flying in IMC ;-)
More TKS installation centers spread over Europe would be helpful for sure.
Hello @TKS !
If I understand correctly, TKS panel are made in UK, then sent to CAV USA, before shipping worldwide ?
Why is it that way ? Does CAV USA own the STC ?
My idea is that only AirPLUS was allowed to install TKS in Europe. Have you any capacity to do it in UK ?
Inspired by Peter, I started dreaming about doing something similar. Would you sell directly a kit (for a C182) to final customer, if he can prove that he has the human ressources to perform a proper installation ? (in other words, people who have already done such installs ?)
Anyway, reading some reactions, it seems that there would be several candidate in Europe for installation, if things were made easier.
Kind regards
PS: (naive question) would you say that the TKS kit developed for C182 is an accomplished product ?
Vref wrote:
I believe there is a huge gap to close between the cirrus TKS fleet and all the rest of the 30 year old fleet which still is quite capable but lacking a descent affordable TKS upgrade path. Specially in the most part of western and central Europe where IFR flying is real IFR flying in IMC ;-)
I don’t think that TKS are interested, too much effort for not enough income. They prefer to join forces with the manufacturers and work with them.
Some years ago I was part of a group that tried to get TKS to develop an STC for the PA30/39. We had 15-20 owners who were willing to pay a significant deposit in return for a commitment from TKS to do the work, we also had a group of 10+ owners who said that their final decision will be based on the final cost.
I talked with the company’s M.D and explained the situation including lack of interest that was showed by the US distributors. I was promised a return call once within a week, my mistake was for not asking what year.
I reckon, looking at the original post, there may be a change of policy, so let’s see.