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Avidyne's TAS6xx ADS-B IN delays


How is EASA certification impacted by that difference?

EGKB Biggin Hill

Because EASA certification is foregone conclusion as part of the reciprocity agreement, I assume.

One can apply for an EASA STC using the data used to obtain an FAA STC, AIUI.

So if you have e.g. an in house DER who generated a design package, that package (especially if it resulted in an FAA STC) can be used to get an EASA STC.

It doesn’t always work though; look at the EASA approval delays on Garmin GTN software. But in any case it is clear that Garmin are very well connected in Europe.

Yes indeed Garmin have a faster approval route. They got that when they bought UPSAT, which presumably was the main reason they bought them Well, the other being to shut down a competitor, which is also a common thing to do

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Have you thought of taking your complaint to your local Trading Standards office? They may be minded to pursue the vendor on your behalf. In fact, they may be obliged to do so if they agree that the goods were mis-sold. There is, perhaps, a safety issue in that you have less accurate traffic info than you were led to expect.

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Timothy, how have they made you that promise (I don’t want to search the whole thread) ?

Do you really, really, inside yourself, feel that only you are right and Avidyne is wrong ? Might there be a chance that you retrospectively make it that way ?

Parception is reality, always. So, your perception is yours, and f you base your campaign on your perception, that’s just your view. There’s another one, Avidyne‘s.

You claim you don’t want to get screwed over by big corporations. That sounds nice and heroic. But it might be your tunnel vision.

If there were a legal case, you would have gone it. There isn’t, so it’s you against them. Without a solution because, to be fair, we just know your position. Perhaps they see it completely different ? What’s their argument ?

Ever thought that at some level, you both are right in your very own way, and that what you do is just overvaluing your own ‚perception‘ of what happened ??

Last Edited by EuroFlyer at 17 Jan 19:04
Safe landings !
EDLN, Germany

I am not quite sure what the suggestion is.

I have a voucher from Avidyne, dated September 2014, saying that I have a right to a free update to ADS-B in.

I was told at the time 3-6 months. That came from Avidyne via their dealer.

Initially they were saying things like “later this year”. From memory they said that in 2015 and 2016. Then in late 2016 they said early next year, that’s the last they have said.

Please tell me where I might have gone wrong? I’m all ears.

EGKB Biggin Hill

If you have a voucher, why isn’t it a legal case ?

Safe landings !
EDLN, Germany

Current Avidyne FAQ

Current brochure – suggests TAS605A does ADS-B? [ local copy ]

Current price list [ local copy ]

What does the voucher look like?

If it has no redemption date, it is apparently unenforceable BUT (this comment is from a commercial law situation I was in not long ago, concerning a purchase order for 10,000 widgets to be delivered at times to be advised) such a term has no commercial value (because the party in question could just delay the stuff as they wish, for ever) therefore no reasonable person would enter into such a contract in the first place, therefore some reasonable date has to be implied. You could never run a court case on this stuff, common though it is with the classic “big company customer shafting a small company supplier”, against a well funded adversary. IANAL etc.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

mh wrote:

Our decisions were taken based on the lack of credibility of Avidyne, by the way they make promises and fail to deliver on them.
And yet you fly Cirrus despite the same non delivered promises?

Pray do enlighten me. Which promise did Cirrus give me? Because I’m not aware of any promises Cirrus made which haven’t been fulfilled. The aircraft was bought (second hand) because it was comfortable and roomy in comparison with a P28A or a Mooney, can be flown fast but also can be flown relatively economically at 135 knots, which suits me to a T.

EDL*, Germany

If Timothy has a voucher. And has been promised a free upgrade to ADS-B. And Avidyne now offers ADS-B. I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t they just upgrade it. There must be someone, i.e. the dealer who promised it, still around ? On whom Timothy could refer to ?
I am confused…

Safe landings !
EDLN, Germany
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