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100UL (merged thread)

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Funny – "aromatics " – what is it ?? I say 99 percent of gasoline is aromatics. Only some sticky gunk remains when all gasoline has evaporated after long time. Look up what gasoline is – butane, acetone, toluol whatever. THAT is what attacs NBR and o-rings when having unleaded auto fuel , not the alcohol content. Valve seats should have been replaced since ages for unleaded fuel , like in other motor industries and like in gas engines or Diesels, no lead for ages. In fact, most aero engines will not have troubles on valve seats by unleaded, just detonation in those big capacity cylinders in gasoline types may be trouble. We had Shell V-Power 100 and BP Ultimate at 102 octane for a while on stations but uninterested in these fuels due to price. Sorry, avgas will be extinct in next years here, a niche product for hobby pilots. Serious commercial aviation will be gone to turbine engines by then.


Sorry, avgas will be extinct in next years here, a niche product for hobby pilots. Serious commercial aviation will be gone to turbine engines by then.

Written 50 ago this might have been true. Written in 2024, it doesn‘t make much sense.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

LeSving wrote:

The special compound in G100UL is only produced at one place in Europe. For how long will that last?

Allegedly TEL is only produced at one place in the world now – so there’s also the question of how long that will last.

Andreas IOM

Yes, it’s too fragile. The solution is obviously a diesel, Rotax or turbine

The elephant is the circulation

I don’t think making chemicals is a problem. People have been doing that for centuries.

So a single source for some ingredient is irrelevant. In any case, a prudent business will line up a backup plan.

This Cirrus warranty issue has the potential to screw G100UL. I am amazed it had not been addressed much earlier.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Allegedly TEL is only produced at one place in the world now – so there’s also the question of how long that will last.

TEL is also produced in China according to the documents found on ECHA application by Shell or if it was Warter. They mention that they buy also from the other manufacturer.

ESMS, ESML, Sweden

Peter wrote:

I don’t think making chemicals is a problem. People have been doing that for centuries.

It’s a question of price. If people are happy paying €3.5 for AVGAS, fine. If not, then what? At some point, the past is the past, and better left alone.

The elephant is the circulation

People have been mixing chemicals in an attempt to make gold for centuries but I don’t think they have succeeded yet.🙂


Allegedly TEL is only produced at one place in the world now – so there’s also the question of how long that will last.

It’s a question of price. If people are happy paying €3.5 for AVGAS, fine.

I pay $5.46 per gallon for 100LL, or €1.34 per liter, and don’t anticipate paying extreme Avgas prices at any time in my future, nor having any problem with supply at a reasonable market price.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 25 Jun 13:34

100LL is already €4 in parts of Europe.

If it went to that price in the main GA countries, somebody will step in, because – according to Warter – it is a market worth 100M-300M (IIRC) annually.

Currently, the €4 price is just places like Elba screwing wealthy GA, because you just have to fly there at some point…

So the price of any fuel that’s viable will stabilise.

But none of this is relevant to G100UL which almost nobody with a brain will put into their SR22, as things stand.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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