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Light for the Cockpit / head torch

Just wanted to mention I got one of these recently; specifically the "ZLH31Fw H31Fw Floody Headlamp CR123 Neutral White".

Cockpit tests in the dark show that it works really well. With a non rechargeable CR123 battery, the shelf life should be "years" and the operating life at the brightness one would actually use it at (nowhere near max) would far exceed the longest possible flight.

A nice piece of emergency kit.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I think the outdoor sports products from Petzl are great and provide good value for money. I've been using them in the cockpit and elsewhere for several years.

What do you use as a light for night flights when your plane doesn’t have any integrated ones (or they don’t work) or as a backup? Headlights? Flashlights? Red/white duals? Any specific brands and models?

Last Edited by Vladimir at 26 Oct 21:24
LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

I do use the flashlight of my iPhone.

EDDS , Germany

I stopped using white light a long time ago when a friend of mine, former Air Force transport, and civilian airline pilot told me the difficulty and strain of reading in red light far outweighed the advantages it procured in preserving your night vision.

In the planes I now fly, the reading light is good enough so I do not need anything else. On top of that I have two screen and an iPad, so I do not to read a paper map.


Red flashlight (torch)

My Energizer white/red LED headlight has been serving me for years. It takes 3 AAAs, and the LED unit can be flipped out of the holder to tilt the beam up to 45° down.

LKBU (near Prague), Czech Republic

Aviathor wrote:

I stopped using white light

I stopped using RED light, of course. Only white for me.


For years I had a very small green lamp glued to the side of my headset. It worked well as a backup and I could change the battery using only one hand, and without looking. As a primary source of cockpit light, however, or for preflight, it was too weak.
Now I use a Petzl Tikka Plus headlamp. It has two light intensities white, and also a red lamp, and its head tilts just like tho one on Ultranomad’s photo. It is useful for the hangar, for preflight, cockpit work and emergency backup. The only (minor) drawback is that when cycling through the modes there is one mode with flashing red. I cannot think of any use for a flashing red light for aviation.

Last Edited by huv at 27 Oct 07:20
EKRK, Denmark

I have an earlier version of this. At the time it was not available in the UK so I imported a few from the USA and gave/sold the extras.

The build quality was way above the stuff in camping shops.

The TB20 has very good cockpit lighting but if you get a total loss of that you have had it… When I had the TCAS fitted, I taxied out of there, in the evening and getting darker, and found all the instrument panel lights were dead. The “installer” pulled off a connector and didn’t check… luckily I found it before takeoff, so I taxied back. Easily done.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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