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LFPT VFR routing to the east (to LFQA)

I am planning a short flight from Pontoise to LFQA/Reims.

I have done it in the past IFR and it was straight forward. Key advantage is not to have to stay too low and that time weather was IMC

Tomorrow looks nice weather and checking VFR back up in case if slot.

What is typically easier? Leave LFPT and ask Paris/Bourget climb in their class D to 2500 or better via Beauvais? I just prefer not to fly low below 1500 if possible…

Thanks for local insight

EGTF, United Kingdom

Providing there are no NOTAMS to the opposite, normally you just choose the way you prefer. You would not normally be refused a climb into the class D.
I tend to start with a straight line between the 2 and then bend the line to avoid class A and Notams and R and P zones (the Rs I tend to contact about 10min before to see if I can get a shortcut. I have never been refused entry into CAS, although I have been approved with a “stay south or maintain heading” sort of approvals.


thanks for the insight! good to know

EGTF, United Kingdom

In this area, Class D is easy to access. Call Le Bourget or Beauvais and they will take care of you.
Class A is no-go, like London TMA. Stay clear

LFOU, France

The trap in this direction is to enter the A airspace or the Paris CTR (especially near Le Plessis). I would definitely stay at 1500ft to avoid a big detour around the TMA 2 (because then you have to circle around another big city, which means you need to contact Beauvais etc…). If you initially stay at 1500 you actually need to contact noone (except Pontoise TWR of course) but beware the traffic because it’s a bottleneck for East-West VFR transit, so make good use of SIV if possible. Once you’re clear of Le Plessis you can climb more and more according to the class A TMAs.


I have done it in the past IFR and it was straight forward. Key advantage is not to have to stay too low and that time weather was IMC

Under VFR, if you are concerned about IMC under 1500ft just ask,

  • I had switch VFR/IFR offered right away
  • Pilots flying VFR to St-Cyr, Toussus, Lognes…get cleared to 3000ft at first mention of “clouds”

For IFR, you either get NIPOR departure or long route like EGOZE-PERON-BILGO (depending on wind and runway in use at LBG or CDG) at FL70, in all cases you won’t fly further than EGOZE before flying direct DIKOL or REM. It may look dramatic on map, however, it barely adds 5min compared to direct

I usually ask for EGOZE shortcut when departing or arriving to Rouen (saves going REM, BILGO, BANTI), they get you to speak to Beauvais or LeBourget

At Reims, there are no APP/TWR, you let AFIS know that you are flying IAP

Last Edited by Ibra at 22 Jun 20:01
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom


Flew the route vfr. As people mentioned ultra easy, Pontoise tower handed me to approach who instantly « approved » climb to 2300’

Note that when I flew IfR was about the same route they just vectored me and kept me at 3000’ until clear of de Gaulle approach. So in practice within 1000’ was the same flight…

EGTF, United Kingdom
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