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How do you organize AD / SB monitoring ?


Following a current thread on CAMO.

Let’s imagine you have the responsibility for airworthiness of an aircraft.
You don’t want to miss an AD, or even an SB.

For those who are concerned, how are you monitoring them ?
For years, I have received information letters from Textron on a regular basis, each time a SB, ICA, SEL is issued.

Then you have the EASA website
Is it possible to register, inform one (or several) types, and ask for notification each time a directive is adopted ?
Any other means to be inform in real time of new directive(s) ?

Last Edited by PetitCessnaVoyageur at 26 May 15:14

There is a newsletter from FAA, where you can select topics (like avionics or certain type of aircraft) and you get informed if any AD or related letter is issued. It is called “FAA Subscription for ADs and SAIBs”. Don’t have a link at the moment.

Last Edited by UdoR at 26 May 15:24

The TC holder for my type sends me service bulletins occasionally.

If the plane is on N-register, in my very limited experience (one time, one AD) the FAA will send a copy of a new airframe AD to the registered owners of the type. Otherwise the IA who does the Annuals on my plane is familiar enough with e.g. Lycoming engines that he knows when something has come up and is worth researching for applicability. You can also do a search on the FAA website and we did this when I first bought the plane, to create AD status lists for the airframe and engine maintenance logs.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 26 May 15:26

From my A&P:

you get ADs directly from FAA website free of charge, or you can pay some company like TData, which gives you a lots of other aviation related data.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

@ Udo: that means that even EASA reg owner could be supplied with the continuous AD etc. type news? Should one register both to be sure not to miss any AD? Finally one SDMP owner needs a good program tool to keep all information well sorted/filed/stored?

TB20 Airman
Borkenberge EDLB, Germany

How can I receive notifications of ADs applicable to a specific product type?


In order to receive notifications of new AD publications applicable to a specific product type, you need to register to the Safety Publications Tool.

The subscription service for new publications enables you to define your own filter and to receive notifications for these filtered AD publications. Please consult the User guide (‘How to…’) for information on how to view and filter new ADs and on how to subscribe to their automatic notification. This service is free of charge.

LO__, Austria

Here in Canada, I can search AD’s by airplane registration, it’s very convenient. SB’s are a little more effort, requiring inquiry to the approval holder. I maintain a maintenance check sheet for both my planes, and review it (for new AD’s and an ICA review) before each maintenance undertaking. It’s really worth maintaining a checklist, it reminds you of the scope of work you’re doing, or contracting to your maintainer. And, it assures that you and your maintainer understand what needs to be done – nothing missed. It also assures that any mods on the plane which have distinct ICA’s are considered. It’s worrying how much maintenance is done on planes with mods, for which there is an ICA< and it is not available nor consulted during the maintenance. A checklist assures ICA’s are used.

Home runway, in central Ontario, Canada, Canada

Answer from EASA:

Dear Alexandre,

I can see that you already have an account in the Safety Publications Tool.
In this case, please log in and go to the tab Advanced Search. You will see there the list of your filters. This is an example:


Filters with active notifications are in orange. If you have the (show all) in orange, this would overwrite any custom filter and you would still receive notifications for publications applicable to all products.
To receive notifications only for a custom filter (e.g. with one type of aircraft), you need to:
deactivate notifications for the (show all) filter first, if it’s in orange, by selecting it, making sure all boxes (AD, EAD, PAD etc) are unticked, and clicking on the button Notify,
create your custom filter by entering the filter name and selecting the product from the list and clicking on Save,
activate notifications for the custom filter by selecting it and clicking on the button Notify.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,

Safety Information Assistant
European Union Aviation Safety Agency

Thank you for posting the instructions PetitCessnaVoyageur – I’ve been stuck on “notify everything” for a long time

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

Should be possible to write a script that webscrapes the EASA and FAA websites for the information one needs? I’ve been playing with the idea of making a webapp to keep track of these things, and also issue workorders etc. However, learning Python properly and realizing a project like this is probably just as likely as free beer and avgas.

Norway, where a gallon of avgas is ch...
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