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HIAL (Scotland) airport charges going through the roof (and an improvement)

boscomantico wrote:

Yes, but AIUI for that flight from RoI to NI, the NI airport must still be a “regulated” one.

The text from your screenshot seems to suggest otherwise. “Unregulated aerodromes within NI are permitted to receive domestic, CTA or EU Flights”. (CTA=Common Travel Area which includes ROI).

In any case, the ones that I’d most likely use will have a CofA. It’s the Scottish Islands that I like to use don’t have any permanent presence which means they don’t have a CofA.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Yes, you seem to be right.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Planning to visit EGPI Islay in August, have e mailed to request likely availability of parking and estimate for fees. Will update the airport database after the visit.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom
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