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Friday the 13th!

In over 50 years of private, military and commercial flying I have never flown on a Friday which is the 13th day of the month, after my first instructor (an ex WW2 pilot) told me it was one of the perils of flying which needs avoiding. So even if this week’s dismal weather does break my SF260 is staying in the hangar! Maybe I am overly superstitious, but can claim it has worked!

To not fly is always the safest way not to have yourself killed in an air crash.
Go to go now, sun is shining and I am going to fly!

ESSZ, Sweden

Marchettiman wrote:

Maybe I am overly superstitious, but can claim it has worked!

Obviously, if you have never flown on Friday 13th, then you wouldn’t have had any flight accidents on that date. Equally if you never fly on Tuesday 7th, you will never have any flight accidents on that date…

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

You could still get hit by a meteorite, proving that Friday the 13th is a bad day anyway.


This issue has a wiki page so it is 100% real. One former poster here also has his very own wiki page and I have seen him, so we have two data points!

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I would like to get away from the ground to avoid all the terrible dangers that lurk down here today. Unfortunately, I can’t. I cross my fingers.

EKRK, Denmark

Friday 13th doesn’t worry me but I’m happier flying then knowing there’s likely to be fewer aircraft in the air because their pilots won’t fly on Friday 13th.

Rochester EGTO

I am back from the flying and can report that we landed safely! Myth busted? :)

ESSZ, Sweden

One student in my club passed his checkride today!

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

I planned a trip to Sun N Fun, about three hours flying each way for me. I was going to depart on Tuesday the 11th, go to the airshow on Wednesday and return on Thursday. But the convective weather was non stop and no safe way for me to make the trip on Tuesday. So I waited until Wednesday, flew in beautiful VFR conditions with a tail wind. Attended the airshow on Thursday and returned on Friday the 13th. I had an even stronger tail wind coming home and another beautiful VFR cross country. So I would rather tempt fate on a beautiful Friday the 13th than a miserable Tuesday the 11th trying to fight my way thru a strong convective stationary front.

KUZA, United States
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