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Do we need paper documents for weather?

Yes, exactly, a solar PV panel can never do more than about 1kW per square metre and even that will need it to be in outer space… The little ones are useless. They cannot even usefully charge a Nokia 6310i (I have tried).

I have eventually gone for this – a “power brick”.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I have to make a differential training for a new airplane type

5 hours differential training

On a different note – five hours differences training??? For what type do you need 5 hours? I am assuming it is a piston twin, given that type specific differences training is not required for singles, and for turboprops it is the “single type class rating” training imposed by EASA in their blatant abuse of the regulations

Biggin Hill

Flying clubs must make money somehow…

It is a SEP and I’ve always been required to make differential training for any kind of SEP (with the exception of C152 and C172 which were given to me at the same time). The time depends but is usually about 4-5 hours.

LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

If the club who rents it to you requires it, so be it, but legally you don’t need it.

5 hours is ridiculous.

Biggin Hill

In this case it’s a private owner and he requires it. I actually thought it’s a legal requirement, they always told me I “must” do it. But now when you say so, I remember it’s not. But the owner can always require it.

LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

Oh, and I think most of them call it “familiarization” and not differential training although in this specific case they wrote “differential training” in the papers.

Last Edited by Vladimir at 20 Aug 14:26
LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

Fair enough – what the owner says, goes, and of course they would like more rather than less to protect a high-value asset. May I ask what type?

I still find long hours requirements a bit strange, given the huge differences in experience, ability, etc. – especially 5 hours compared to 6 hours to go from a single to a twin.

Biggin Hill

Money M20C. The hours are only approximate but the first flight that is planned is about 45 minutes flight time one way, i.e. probably about 2 hours block. And they want to make a second one, which will total to 4 hours. If I am good enough, that might be it.

LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

Doing 45-minute cross country flights for familiarization purposes is not very efficient though…

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany
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