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Interesting. Let me add a different datapoint from my experience. I have probably just under 1000 hours in various types of aircraft with carburetted engines (C150/152/172/172RG/182, PA28-140/161/180/181, PA38, DA20, AA5A, DR400, Robin 3000, PA18, P2002 and a few more) and in all those years and over all those hours, I have had one single event which might have been a slight onset of carb icing (not 100% sure). This was in a Robin 3000, on a rather foul weather day.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Probably the worst icemaker I’ve flown was the Piper Apache I did my multi in (actually, a Geronimo Apache with the pointy nose and the O-320-B3B engines). Both engines would run rough at the slightest hint of visible moisture. It had carb temp gauges, and you had to use them if you were flying IMC and wanted both engines to continue running smoothly.

Andreas IOM
I had a Pa28 share at Inverness, and never had detectable carb ice.
The C O200 in the DR1050 is an ice maker. Did normal run-up, cleared T.O

The Continental O200 is an ice maker in Cessna 150 too. In cold weather it is a good idea to clear the ice from carb on takeoff every time. I’ve had ice on it on takeoff too. The O200 carburetor does not get heat from the surrounding engine due to how the engine is constructed. Never had ice in PA28 in the few years I’ve been flying. But I still clear the ice in flight in cold weather or moist weather especially if flying near the clouds or if dew point is close to temperature. The carb temperature gauge is a nice thing to have.

Last Edited by AirV at 16 Jan 20:21

boscomantico wrote:

… I have had one single event …

I have experienced a couple on the Pa44 (Seminole) which seem to have a magic attraction for ice anywhere – all over the airframe, the propellers and the inside of the engines as well. But I remember one scary experience sitting in the back of a C182 during an instrument training session. During a go-around in CAT I conditions with precipitation around freezing point (the aircraft itself was thickly covered in ice all the time, but this was the normal way of operation with that instructor/flying school owner) the engine coughed so badly that this instructor actually operated the carb heat control (or alternate air, whatever it was called on that plane) within a fraction of a second. This restored power to the engine just as we had sunk out of the clouds maybe 100ft above some houses. I have never before and never thereafter seen him operate the carb heat, so obviously only I got scared.

EDDS - Stuttgart

I had SEMS (UK) to overhaul my raft (Survival 1400-1) which included static test (inflated) and gas cartdrige exchange. They also offered to add a canopy with inflatable mast, which now makes it a 1400-3.
such maintenance is to be made every 5 years.

Service was just excellent. Only the shipping cost for return seemed to be too high.

I can give details by MP.

Your shipping cost is high as they have to be shipped as dangerous goods.

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Indeed, dangerous good…
Besides, they were not responsible for it, and suffer from a significant inflation applied by the carrier since Brexit, which is no good for their business.

For their work and cost, I was very pleased with the service, and greatly recommend them.

Last Edited by PetitCessnaVoyageur at 17 Mar 09:38

50 hardback copies of Survive the Savage Sea (mentioned previously) available on Amazon UK at Sterling 1p……

Swanborough Farm (UK), Shoreham EGKA, Soysambu (Kenya), Kenya

Ordered… total of $5.17
Will report back if it really arrives. :)

Peter wrote:

Search EuroGA for the Malta TB20 ditching. Same raft as I have. Very widely sold, and widely overhauled by various firms.

I did that search and it turned out nothing… What raft do you have?

We’re looking for a new raft as our old one can’t be overhauled (to reasonable cost) anymore. Our local shop recommends the RFD (Beaufort) Pilot (4-6 person capacity, 13 kg, with ladder). Anyone has experience of that one?

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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