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Last Generation in Munich

Do you have evidence of a criminal prosecution over an electric cattle fence? They are very widely used. Maybe in CH, but in the UK, never.

Anyway, you can’t stop these protesters getting in, short of a mined strip and armed patrols

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Do you have evidence of a criminal prosecution over an electric cattle fence?

Criminal no to my knowledge. But the threat is there for civil suit for damages. And the threat is mostly enough to make people cease and desist, if you know that a lawyers charge $$$$ for defending your “right”… so even if you win in the end, you still loose a lot of money in any case.

Peter wrote:

Anyway, you can’t stop these protesters getting in, short of a mined strip and armed patrols

Most larger airports have a 24/7 police presence, often with dogs and no small numbers. If anyone were to break the fence at where I am, I am fairly confident they would be there within minutes of the detection of intruders and arrest them.

The fact that the Germans have let those people do what they want is hugely damaging to the whole aviation world, as it ridicules the whole safety concept of airports being safe zones, mostly put into place following the 1970ties terrorist attacks, so the response should follow the same line of reasoning. Otherwise, those muppets are sending a clear signal to anyone with more sinister ideas than “just” gluing themselves or spray painting airplanes, that might have very adverse consequences.

Last Edited by Mooney_Driver at 21 May 11:03
LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

The threat is always everywhere

But civilised countries have statutory defences. It’s just that very few people know about them.

Yes you can have adverse possession here in the UK, hence stuff gets fenced off to protect that. But that fence is not related to preventing protesters entering an airport. One of the requirements of AP is that the “challenger” is using the land openly and without permission, which is unlikely to ever happen with an active airport.

The dicks in this case probably worked out when the police lunch break is… as I said, these things are well organised, and they had accomplices watching the shifts, etc. Mobile phones are great for that.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

What glue do they use?

My policeman friend says they just put one or both hands in a puddle of superglue. He hasn’t done the course, but some of them are specially trained in ‘de-bonding’, which sounds like a list of solvents, a thin sharp blade, and lots of patience.

Edit: we’re near Stonehenge, which the local police have deemed a high protester risk due to the proposed new road tunnel.

It obviously depends on jurisdiction, but the duty of care of a landowner to a trespasser is generally lower than that for a lawful user or visitor. Beyond a fence and occasional patrols I don’t think this can apply to such obviously self-inflicted harm or detention.

Allow them to exercise their god-given right to stupidity, which gives an opportunity to test the psychological balance between shear strength of the epidermis and various physiological needs

Edit edit: On balance, swift removal is the only practical option, to limit disruption to the general population, and to prevent long-running protests and martyrs.
Prime example: Bobby Sands was elected to parliament whilst on hunger strike in prison as part of a 5-year protest, and 100,000 people attended his funeral after he starved to death.

Last Edited by Capitaine at 21 May 12:18
EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

The funny thing is that the airport has no duty to unglue these dickheads. It could just close that taxiway and the dicks would get the message.

It shows how brainless these “remotely controlled protesters” are. Removing superglue from skin is really hard. An old practical joke used to be superglue on toilet seats at school…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

these things are well organised, and they had accomplices watching the shifts, etc. Mobile phones are great for that.

One has to ask oneself if there was not more to it. The cases where airplanes got sprayed, the police and airport authorities stood by and did nothing according to witness statements and even let those guys depart unscarthed. That is pretty revolting, considering the fact that huge damage was done. And the question was risen whether some of the folks who let them do their dirty deed rather than prevent it were in on this before… which of course would be a huge scandal but not unheard of.

Peter wrote:

It could just close that taxiway and the dicks would get the message.

Close the taxiway and route the airplanes around them.

Those who glue themselves to roads risk far more… all it takes is one lorry with brake failure or some folks who take the thing into their own hands …

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Mooney_Driver wrote:

Don’t know if it is the law in Vis as well but in some places, if you don’t fence in your property, it can be lost to you after someone starts using it and you don’t do anything against it for a given period or 5 years or so… so maybe fencing in simply assures property rights.

The fence just remained there from the old days. Nobody visits these properties and the owners are probably not known or there are so many shares with owners living who knows where. The intention of my post was to describe how simple tools work for many years keeping away both people and live stock.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Peter wrote:

The funny thing is that the airport has no duty to unglue these dickheads.

That’s the perfect answer!
Leave them there. 24, 48 hours?

Of course eject anyone else found in the area and patrol the area so nobody else gets in to release them.
Presumably nobody on airport police is trained in releasing them. So anybody who wants to help them will need airside clearance. That takes awhile

Only problem is that next time they’ll go for a runway.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Totally overgrown by bush but still properly fenced with rusted barb and razor wire

You would be put in jail for that in Norway barbed wire is illegal (wild life, exceptions are national security, and similar stuff, but it has to be installed to protect animals, and people). To put up fences for no good reason is also illegal.

because they don’t learn.

A popular thing here that started a few years ago, is to use goats to clear larger areas of land from getting grown over, eventually becoming woodland. The goats have a GPS collar that will zap them and an audible warning. No fences required. They learn immoderately, and remember we’re they can go. You can rent these goats several places. Goats are cool animals as well

the police and airport authorities stood by and did nothing according to witness statements and even let those guys depart unscarthed.

Which is the one and only real problem as far as I can see. Civilizations are built on law, not fashion.

The elephant is the circulation

You would be put in jail for that in Norway barbed wire is illegal (wild life, exceptions are national security, and similar stuff, but it has to be installed to protect animals, and people).

Few years ago Slovenia installed razor wire (special version of barbed wire that causes massive injuries) on border with Croatia to prevent illegal immigrants entering Schengen area. It was mainly in the woods and river banks, causing a lot of damage to wildlife on both sides of the border.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia
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