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"Climate Activists" vandalise business jets

Of course… Lots of Russians are now “Ukrainians”. It’s like Albanians crossing the Channel in boats are from Syria. We got similar stuff when the Russian invasion of Ukraine thread was running.

The vandals will not mess with a real Russian boat or jet; they know they will get a hit.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Are you entitled to defend your property in any part of the UK? In practice, today?
A farmer got years in jail for shooting one of two males at night, inside his house.

EGPE, United Kingdom

An aggravated burglary is a different situation. If it is the case I recall, his mistake was to shoot them in the back.

You are not allowed to use deadly force unless (in effect) cornered; then you can use whatever means. In practice this means you can use a gun, etc, but you must not get them in the back.

For defence of property, no, you cannot shoot them.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Vandalism is not what this sign addresses specifically, the possibility wouldn’t have occurred to anybody, but I think a few signs along these lines, plus enforcement would be a good idea. People at this intellectual level respond to simple messages designed to instill fear.

(From the entrance to my hangar area)

They should update the $10,000 part on this sign – I think its been there about 40 years.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 19 Jul 14:40

Silvaire wrote:

Vandalism is not what this sign addresses specifically, the possibility wouldn’t have occurred to anybody, but I think a few signs along these lines, plus enforcement would be a good idea. People at this intellectual level respond to simple messages designed to instill fear.

People at “this intellectual level” know exactly what the law says. Probably better than you and me.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Those who organise them, via telegram groups, for sure do

Those who actually do the work are usually quite stupid. Useful idiots…

If they had brains, they would probably be aware there is an activity commonly called a JOB, and then there is a slight possibility they might have the other useful thing called MONEY (or whatever of it is left over after getting p1ssed every day) and then they will have better things to do than chuck paint over stuff, for which they might go to jail / get a criminal record / be for many years unable to buy a house.

Even if they do it in a very liberal country, their ID will become known and they will end up on databases consulted by employers, who already trawl social media for this kind of thing, and these useful idiots are prob99 going to brag about their achievements in these very places.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Those who organise them, via telegram groups, for sure do Those who actually do the work are usually quite stupid. Useful idiots…

They’re either stupid or incredibly naive. Not much different in principle to those who blow themselves up in the service of similarly ‘insightful’ terrorist organizations, led by similarly deluded people.

My point was that fierce signposting and enforcement follow through might assist in scaring off the brainwashed idiots at the scene, even if those at the scene aren’t as smart in understanding consequences as e.g. neighborhood thieves who are generally dissuaded from stealing equipment from aircraft on the ramp.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 19 Jul 16:59

I’m known some civil disobedience people (not involved with the kind of actions we’re currently discussing, though) and they were far from either naive or stupid. Nor were they out of jobs.

But of course by dismissing them as such you get an easy answer to the question of why they do what they do.

To prevent derailing the discussion, let me make clear again that I don’t condone these actions on aircraft.

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 20 Jul 09:45
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

I didn’t say every vandal is thick, as in a low IQ.

The “superglue” and “paint” ones probably are truly thick.

But many are clever but are just bored. Look at the absolutely vast hacking activity. is attacked at about 5-10Hz. Probably 97.3% of all bright under-25 guys without a girlfriend (what is nowadays called “somewhere far on the spectrum”) in China and Russia are hacking servers, and destroying somebody’s online shop is a galactic achievement, topped only by getting laid. As some comedian said, sex is like pizza: even when it’s bad it is still very, very, good

Some are fairly clever, but without guidance in life got into groups that embrace you and make you feel wanted. Scientology, anyone? They very specifically target “lost youths”. In the old days it was socialist/communism. Like the guy who walked into my room at univ c. 1975 and gave me a speech on the Bourgeoisie who were “born with a sliver spoon in their mouth”. All the stock Lenin phrases, straight from the univ Marxist Society leaflets. Yawn, with me being ex CZ and having watched the tanks in 1968…

Does the vandal’s IQ make it more right? I don’t think so.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter did you mean low-EQ as for Emotional Intelligence?

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