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Good books to read (non aviation)

We already have a thread on flying related books but how about ordinary books?

I am working through The Secret Barrister which is a great expose of the UK legal system. Certainly the stories about the magistrates’ courts are fully in line with my experience of decades ago

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’ve been tempted by The Secret Barrister for a while.

For light relief and pure escapism I’ve just finished the last Jeeves book, which has taken about 6 years on and off to work through the series. The story is just a pretext for some very funny dialogue.

On and off I’ve also been wading through Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, the third Three Musketeers story, famous for the man in the iron mask (but don’t tell me because I haven’t got that far yet). At 6 volumes it’s a long slog, but I can really recommend Les Trois Mousquetaires for an old fashioned adventure.

With young children the only real time I have for reading is the 1 hour lunch break at work, but it’s surprising how quickly you can go through a book doing this.

The non-Jeeves stories should keep me out of trouble for a while:

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

I can thoroughly recommend The Secret Barrister – it is a jolly good and relatively light read.

For something a bit different give Illusions by Richard Bach a read – he of the much more well known Jonathan Livingstone Seagull.

It does have a religious flavour (but its not that pronounced) and can be easily ignored if that isnt your thing, but it has some wonderfully descriptive language of flying during the old barn storming days in America in the early days of flying when pilots would drop into a field adjoining a town and take people for a joy ride.

I think it is beautifully written, and might appeal a little to the pilot in us.

It looks like there is not a whole lot of reading going on

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’ve started the Tom Clancy novels yet again. Just finished “The cardinal of the cremlin”.

I guess one of the nicer things our smartphones/tabletts do is to provide the possibility to carry a full library of books with us. One bit I would not like to miss even on that “lonly island” as long as I have a solar charger that works…

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

“Ignition! An informal history of liquid rocket propellants” by John D. Clark.

To get the most out of it you’ll want a basic chemistry understanding (GCSE (exams taken at age 16 in the UK) level is perfectly adequate)

Last Edited by alioth at 29 Mar 12:38
Andreas IOM

Looks great. Just ordered it…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I am a big fan of the Aubrey/Maturin series of books by Patrick O’Brian. Master & Commander, etc.


“Sapiens” by Y.N. Harari
Anything by R. Dawkins (“The Selfish Gene”, “The Greatest Show on Earth”, “The God Delusion”,…)
“Factfulness” by H. Rosling

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

I am amazed this has been declassified. Or maybe they took a lot of stuff out…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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