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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

Fuji_Abound wrote:

In some ways perhaps the Chinese had the right idea (and the ability) to construct such a large hosipital so quickly

The hospital thing was just a big PR stunt by China which seems to have worked for many. It’s been reported from pictures and videos that it was terribly built, leaked badly, causing damage to machines and was next to unusuable, it’s now apparently falling apart . link

Of course; the only structure you can erect so fast will be a portacabin type thing. It would be ok for a bit…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

BackPacker wrote:

Of course the data needs to be corrected for the fact that you can only give blood if you’re between 18 and 75, and blood donors tend to be relatively healthy anyway – you don’t give blood when you’re down with any sort of illness, Corona or otherwise.

Missed that one, looks like a good thing. If it is confirmed that a big number of people in that category have antibodies, then it means that the virus is much more widespread and that the risk is low as many are now not infection vectors.

EHLE, Netherlands


No one is emotional. I have zero empathy according to my wife. For clarity I am in the Healthcare sector and employ doctors, nurses, and technically trained staff. I am well aware of the workings of Healthcare systems, clinical governance, and health care professional approaches in society.

One has to understand that the system, and in particular the healthcare system within the UK, was already a busted flush. All was not as it seems.

On the ground, i.e. reality, it is total chaos with very major pieces of disinformation, Parliament bills which take every vestige of freedom and personal liberties away from us. Add the financial and economic meltdown and trust me. If ever we required to be calm it is now.

However we need to understand what we are dealing with in FACT, not graphs, models and whimsical strategy. IMO

hmng wrote:

Hope you don’t mind me saying so.

Not at all. I am a big boy….

Last Edited by BeechBaby at 24 Mar 14:26
Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

BeechBaby wrote:

However we need to understand what we are dealing with in FACT, not graphs, models and whimsical strategy. IMO

Totally onboard with that. That’s why I’m sick and tired of ‘patient’ or ‘cases’ numbers that aren’t really patients at all, just tested positive. Sick and tired of deaths numbers including people dying on the last stages of cancer. Or seeing headlines like ‘28 year old dies of Covid’ only to see at the bottom of the article that the person had advanced leukaemia.
Again, I don’t want anybody, not a single person, to die if that is avoidable. That’s not what I want to discuss at all.

I’l come back to the numbers we were discussing.

Last Edited by hmng at 24 Mar 15:07
EHLE, Netherlands

I am a big boy

I could recommend some forums which cater for, shall we say, more specialist interests

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

I could recommend some forums which cater for, shall we say, more specialist interests

You don’t know the half of it….

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

BackPacker wrote:

In the Netherlands, the blood bank agency (Sanquin) is going to test blood that has been donated, on a large scale

Are they doing that only for new donations, or also for older ones?

Looks as if prison riots may have started in Scotland .link No mention of it on the main news sites, although perhaps being north of the border the BBC aren’t really interested.

This could stretch the services if it gets going

Off_Field wrote:

although perhaps being north of the border the BBC aren’t really interested.

Absolutely although it was mentioned on BBC Radio Scotland at lunchtime. Seems like it took 5 hours to calm the guys down with minor injuries on the staff front.

A real and present danger given how after 10 years of austerity the service is at a massive pinch point. As is everything….

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow
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