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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

@skydriller what you say is similar here. Most are happy to wait their turn but the first question on meeting up these days is have you had your vaccine yet, if so where did you get it and which one. Also did you book on the internet or just phone up.
Many will simply say I don’t think I’ll get mine until June or whatever. I have yet to hear one say “I wont have one even if offered”.


gallois wrote:

I have yet to hear one say “I wont have one even if offered”

Same, I did not hear that from the average Jean but I did hear that from few politicians on TV
I am sure they did get one behind the scenes, they are way smarter than that

Last Edited by Ibra at 30 Mar 11:40
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

@gallois, do you think there may be significant regional variations in vaccine acceptance in France?

Might one expect the Comtois, justifiably proud of their microbiological heritage, to be keener than elsewhere?

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Graham wrote:

2. There is a diagnosis/condition in France called ‘heavy legs’ that does not exist in any other country and thus your trial data will be contaminated with adverse event data that no-one really knows how to process

Is that still an issue? I was thinking there is a guidance from EMA and FDA along the lines of “if there isn’t an ICD there is no adverse event”, but of course I might be wrong – and obviously if the heavy legs are coded as G25.81 then there is an ICD…


gallois wrote:

Again you write this ." It is vaccines in general they don’t like, and this pre-dates Covid."
So I ask again how do you know? No one has asked me.

Correct, I’ve not asked you.

I can only repeat that I know the French have a high level of vaccine scepticism the same as I know that the Japanese like to wear masks on the subway. If you’re asking for an academic reference then I’m not going to dig one out, but someone has probably studied it.

I don’t know any French anti-vaxxers either, but the plural of anecdote is not data.


Malibuflyer wrote:

Is that still an issue? I was thinking there is a guidance from EMA and FDA along the lines of “if there isn’t an ICD there is no adverse event”, but of course I might be wrong – and obviously if the heavy legs are coded as G25.81 then there is an ICD…

A long time since I worked in data management! I never dealt with the issue personally, but if I recall correctly the issues were mainly around the fact that every pharma/CRO dealt with it slightly differently and study teams just didn’t like having to keep on top of it. As with a lot of things, the perception probably worse than the actual effect.


Graham wrote:

If you’re asking for an academic reference then I’m not going to dig one out, but someone has probably studied it.

This is the best overview study I’m aware of. In brief: The reason why the French are actually most skeptical about vaccinations is that they have (globally) the highest safety concerns.

Last Edited by Malibuflyer at 30 Mar 12:21

Today the Swedish public health authority reported that 0.06% of people who had two injections have got the disease anyway. There was no breakdown for different vaccines.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Malibuflyer wrote:

The reason why the French are actually most skeptical about vaccinations is that they have (globally) the highest safety concerns.

That figures. Vaccine skepticism is usually founded in the belief (whether rational or not) that it might do something unpleasant to you. That unpleasant thing might be an actual possible side effect, or it might be Bill Gates remotely directing you to buy a Surface Pro and a subscription to Office365.



I really don’t know why we are still talking about vaccine refusals in France. Nobody seems to be able to come up with any data on it, myself included.

All we have is people saying “everyone knows” and a few dodgy surveys. By that measurement, we could say from Le Sving’s one that there is a 32% vaccine refusal rate in the UK! But I don’t think anyone seriously thinks that’s what’s happening on the ground. So we why are we judging France on the same unreliable basis?

I can’t help but think that if there was a real significant refusal rate in France that data would be published on it and it would be easy to find. But it’s not, which suggests that it’s nothing more than stereotyping the French.

EIWT Weston, Ireland
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