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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

Airborne_Again wrote:

Of course, what’s actually happening is mentioned here as well, but if I didn’t read EuroGA, I would have no idea that we are apparently on full speed towards a war between the UK and the EU!


The elephant is the circulation

Airborne_Again wrote:

Ok, if I put it this way: If I didn’t read EuroGA, I would have had no idea that there was a “major conflict” to avert! But then I don’t regularly read UK media.


The elephant is the circulation

172driver wrote:

The sheer incompetence and downright stupidity and callousness of European politicians and bureaucrats is simply staggering. That any of these so-called leaders are still in their jobs beggars belief.

Not everyone would agree that the political leadership in the US was so much better during the last couple of years – but that is the beauty of democracy: Every country gets the leaders it deserves.

And with respect to measurable impact of this leadership, looking on the impact of the actions of politics, at least in Germany I still feel quite comfortable: With 9.1 deaths per million we are still so far away from countries like the US (16.7) or the UK (19.0) that even if we would be messing up vaccination for another 6 months it is unlikely we would catch up in death toll.

One can (and should) alway argue what the target function of government action in a pandemic should be. But if one believes that it is the primary goal of the government to keep people alive one can’t avoid to admit that these “stupid and callous” German politicians have done a by far better job than their brilliant and handsome colleagues in many other countries!

P.S.: Germany is still leading compared to UK in terms of fully vaccinated people.


Malibuflyer wrote:

Germany is still leading compared to UK in terms of fully vaccinated people.

As a matter of fact, Norway is actually starting to follow the UK from now on, with as large time laps between the two doses as possible

The elephant is the circulation

Interesting to see the step effect in Norway’s two-jab curve. What causes that? Do they binge on first doses for a bit and then switch to second doses?

Last Edited by Graham at 26 Mar 08:30

We learned a bit more about stockpiling doses for second jabs last night. UvdL said that ‘the EU’ has exported 21m doses to the UK.

Now leaving aside that the EU has exported nothing (it’s non-EU headquartered pharma companies who’ve exported from their EU-located production facilities) we know that almost all of this is Pfizer because nearly all the UK’s AZ deliveries have been from domestic production.

We also know that the UK has administered ~30m doses in total, and from prior numbers revealed we know that the ratio of use in the UK is about 60:40 AZ to Pfizer.

That means the UK has administered ~12m Pfizer jabs, therefore if UvdL’s 21m is correct the UK presently has ~9m Pfizer doses in stock. Looks to me like an insurance against future supply policy of jab 3 store 2.


That would make sense, since it is known that AZ is good for at least 3 months in between, but Pfizer isn’t so if you are going to maintain 2nd vacc stock it wants to be on the Pfizer one.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Graham wrote:

Interesting to see the step effect in Norway’s two-jab curve. What causes that? Do they binge on first doses for a bit and then switch to second doses?

It’s the same steps for the first dose. What causes it is shortage of vaccines. People are mainly vaccinated on 1 or 2 days per week when there are vaccines available.

The elephant is the circulation

Graham wrote:

We learned a bit more about stockpiling doses for second jabs last night. UvdL said that ‘the EU’ has exported 21m doses to the UK.

It never ceases to amaze me these days how so many statements are not strictly true, yet they either sound true, or are convincing enough to draw a lot of people in who dont look further than the words. It has become an art form, and this is just another very good example.

Graham wrote:

UvdL said that ‘the EU’ has exported 21m doses to the UK.

Do you have a source for that? I’m just wondering because both in the press conference of the council meeting yesterday (here! at about 15:00) as well as in the written statements she is very carefully using the absolutely correct phrase “xx doses have been exported from the EU” and doesn’t state that the EU has exported them.

Fuji_Abound wrote:

It has become an art form, and this is just another very good example

Yes – but equally it has become a form of “Anti-Art” to modify a statement just a little bit (either due to ignorance or consciously) and then jump on exactly the part of the statement that has been altered to “demonstrate” how stupid, audacious or mad the one who never exactly said that really is.
In the specific example I’m aware that some press reports have changed the original statement of “exported from the EU” into “exported by the EU” (in benefit of doubt I’d assume they neglected the exact difference in meaning because in the context of their text it did not matter) but I’m not aware of any source where vdL herself used these words as claimed by Graham.

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