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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

Here is a nice passage from the above link…..

enable the departments of health in Northern Ireland and Scotland to make regulations for additional measures to be introduced to help them delay or prevent further transmission of COVID-19. Equivalent powers already exist in England and Wales and these provisions would bring them in line with the rest of the UK

remove a restriction in how Scottish territorial Health Boards can deliver vaccination programmes so a wider range of healthcare professionals in Scotland would be able to administer a vaccine.

Public support and compliance is crucial and we are grateful for the flexibility people have shown, but we need to ensure police and immigration officers have the authority to enforce these measures where necessary. Therefore, the bill will enable the police and immigration officers to detain a person, for a limited period, who is, or may be, infectious and to take them to a suitable place to enable screening and assessment

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

Qalupalik wrote:

Convoys of military medics are already coming into London.

Army reserve mobilisation has already begun and it is not to stop a run on toilet rolls.

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

I ‘like’ this one…

Enable existing mental health legislation powers to detain and treat patients who need urgent treatment for a mental health disorder and are a risk to themselves or others, to be implemented using just one doctor’s opinion (rather than the current 2)

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what this reminds me of. Or maybe they’ll apply it to the ‘let no crisis go to waste’ brain trust?

Silvaire, this Bill has been passed. It was ’’nodded’’ through a few days ago.

I am shccked. I will never, and I mean never be vaccinated by these morons.

Last Edited by BeechBaby at 18 Mar 20:43
Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

I mean never be vaccinated by these morons

That’s fine if you never go anywhere near other people.

We are now seeing loads of kids getting seriously ill with measles, due to the selfish fashionable “anti vax” crowd. It’s a really crap disease, as I well know, having got it at 12.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I had it all also. We all did. Chickenpox, measles, mumps but we lived in a different age and it built our natural immune systems.

Four Big Macs in a row, the millenial staple diet, will kill you. The food chain is totally compromised and will do far more damage to this generation than Corona..

Fly safe. I want this thing to land l...
EGPF Glasgow

Yes but eating crap is a totally avoidable lifestyle choice.

One made by millions but that doesn’t change what it is.

Getting crippled or killed by some virus is not a lifestyle choice.

EuroGA is NOT going to be a host site for anti vaxxers

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Giving these sort of powers up in a country where police chase after people to “check their thinking” is pretty chilling.

I don’t know the best solution, and maybe people are too stupid to understand, I guess I am just much more comfortable with people making their own decisions.

Off_Field wrote:

much more comfortable with people making their own decisions.

“… humane affaires cannot be without some inconvenience. And this
inconvenience it self is in the Citizens, not in the Government; for if men could rule
themselves, every man by his own command, that’s to say, could they live according
to the Lawes of Nature, there would be no need at all of a City, nor of a common
coercive power.

Written by a deeply peaceful man who witnessed the horrors of the English civil war, Thomas Hobbes, in his De Cive published in 1642. Ch VI, fn 3 to para XIII.

London, United Kingdom
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