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Corona / Covid-19 Virus - General Discussion (politics go to the Off Topic / Politics thread)

Not to forget that the WHO were coming out and saying no human to human contact. When China knew for at least six days beforehand that there certainly was.

I am hopeful we will get some manufacturing brought back either home or to more respectable countries. The communist party tactics have been terrible.

The talk of flattening the curve seems to have dissapated, we’ve got to get some form of movement going. I do not know whether it is true or not but I was told that a lot of trades have gone back to work this week as they need to get some income.

172driver wrote:

If the Chinese leadership had been forthcoming about this virus from the start we wouldn’t have the pandemic. I really hope that they – the Chinese leadership – are made to pay for that. Dearly.

While China is a good study on how to “hide an outbreak”, many countries would not have the pandemic if they have taken Italy outbreak example more seriously rather than claiming “this will never happen to us, we are not Italy” (especially when they are not explaining in details why they think so?), examples one can take for their top quick action and serious leadership are Slovakia & Austria, these were more close to the heat that anyone else…

Apparently, getting political leaders to wear a mask is the cheapest way to stop an epidemic

Last Edited by Ibra at 28 Apr 17:11
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

One thing apparent from today’s govt briefing is how slowly the number in hospital is decreasing. It’s very obvious that the average hospital stay is a number of weeks. Given that the NHS sends you home as soon as they can (obviously also in every other country; in this business nobody is running a hospital as a €1000/day hotel, especially if you are trying to claim the world record for spare capacity) it is clear that what this virus does to a lot of people is on the scale of breaking both legs and both arms.

I hope China pays but of couse they won’t. The Chinese want to wash their hands of it. Fortunately some countries have bigger balls than Europe…

A lot of electronics manufacture can be done in Korea.

Yes tradesmen are working more, but they never really stopped if they could work away from the masses.

The Italian situation was handled badly. All inbounds from there should have been stopped, around end of January, but what to you do with say 100k skiers? There aren’t enough hotels for an enforced quarantine. The ski season happened in the wrong moment.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Ibra wrote:

While China is a good study on how to “hide an outbreak”, many countries would not have the pandemic if they have taken Italy outbreak example more seriously rather than claiming “this will never happen to us, we are not Italy”

That’s debatable. IMHO by the time it hit Italy, the horse had bolted and it was way too late to stop. Recent studies in the Bay Area conclude that the virus was circulating weeks before an outbreak was noted. The only ones who could possibly have stopped it in it’s tracks were the Chinese.

I sincerely hope that as much manufacturing as possible is going to be moved to other countries and not ot just one place (India?) again. The world has to rid itself of the reliance on China as a manufacturing quasi-monopoly.

I think the lesson for the moment is that countries who clamped down hard and quickly are actually opening up sooner and may end up suffering a smaller economic hit than the countries that closed down later. I confess I didn’t anticipate many of the measures that have been taken.

My son’s cousins in Australia went back to school today. He will not be able to do so for several months at least. Last week I would have said that we were at the point where we might be able to lift the lockdown locally though perhaps not nationally. Today, I doubt this.

Last Edited by kwlf at 28 Apr 17:36

New studies from the US are coming in and guess what? The numbers I posted here about 100 messages ago are being confirmed death rate < .1% of the general population as studied in California. It will be published soon. Also there appears to be two strains one on the West Cost of the US coming directly from Asia and the East Coast one from N Italy.

Its a good thing this virus accidentally escaped from the gain of function lab before it could be made more lethal. It just wasnt ready for prime time. Highly infections but not very lethal. Difficult to develop a vaccine for it because it mutates so fast. Also people are suspcious why the genetic coding has HIV strands. Just something else to worry about as people are locked in.


alioth wrote:

In plain English, according to the NHS BMI calculator, it counts as “obese” rather than just “overweight”.

To be more sensitive and politically correct the term “Full Figured” should be used not Obese or Over Weight.


In terms of what can be done about China, I thought Trey Gowdy made a good point.

He suggests there is little chance of anything through the international court routes as China just chooses to ignore them. However he suggests just deducting the owed amounts from the repayments on debt to China.

He suggests there is little chance of anything through the international court routes as China just chooses to ignore them.

Which country doesn’t?

It’s effectively league of nations, although I understand if you work for the UN you don’t have to pay any income tax on your earnings.

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