2000kg or 2300kg?
If 2300kg, that is really very very new! It would be total dynamite because of the bearing on the various 2000kg STCs which render many planes barely usable once the STC is applied, notably the Meridian.
The Jan 2020 charges document states 2T.
Peter wrote:
2000kg or 2300kg?If 2300kg, that is really very very new! It would be total dynamite because of the bearing on the various 2000kg STCs which render many planes barely usable once the STC is applied, notably the Meridian.
Ok it was a typo. 2t.
denopa wrote:
s, with exactly the results you describe ? It will be ignored anyway.
Do we know if this is true? I want it to be, bites there evidence of this?
There has been a sudden and violent spike of plane bashing for a few months, like a herd which found another target.
Travel and european/international exchanges have been so much promoted in the last decades that I find
shocking that now traveling is now ashamed by those who dreamed of a global citizenship with no borders.
Now they promote train because they live in major cities with high speed trains.
That said, I am all for living with less, buying less, traveling less….
Cheap vacations in Cancun or Bali is a huge expense of energy/carbon/fossil fuel (put the criteria you prefer) and to me is quite unnecessary. Now let’s think about a businessman based in Lyon willing to visit a customer in Stuttgart. How is he supposed to do ? And what about Aurillac-Paris ? So, what kind of flights should be discouraged ?
Yes, there are some useless business trips, but the reality is that now, a much bigger fraction of work is international. Our grand parents dealt with providers/customers that were in their region. Now you often have stakeholders all over the world…
Unfortunately, the herd will just eat the closest prey… and people will loose their jobs in Aurillac while Parisians continue buying homes on Mauritius….
Jujupilote wrote:
There has been a sudden and violent spike of plane bashing for a few months, like a herd which found another target.
Remarkable that a lot of NIMBYs who protested against aircraft noise suddenly turned into environmentalists who protest CO2 emissions. Selfish-no-more…
airways wrote:
Remarkable that a lot of NIMBYs who protested against aircraft noise suddenly turned into environmentalists who protest CO2 emissions.
Exactly. They now found a good reason for their selfish behaviour and a herd of people willing to support their cause.
It’s also amazing how many people will now claim they don’t need a load of things that were normal before Covid and actually hope that the virus will kill all the things they were anoyed about before. Same story, find a reason and exploit it. I read a piece where locals are trying very hard to stop an open air concert venue from ever happening again. Up to now they had no chance, now there are loads of people who will say with some justification that any form of mass gathering should be banned for good.
I’m planning to visit LSZH during July. What charges should I expect?
I will be landing and having lunch with a friend. Then we will be back to LFLI.
Any tips for handling and how to get in and out of the airport?
speed wrote:
Hi,I’m planning to visit LSZH during July. What charges should I expect?
I will be landing and having lunch with a friend. Then we will be back to LFLI.
Any tips for handling and how to get in and out of the airport?
You can expect around 30CHF for landing fees depending on noise class, MTOW etc. (C172 1089kg MTOW noise class D 32.35CHF)
and 65CHF for handling fees via MFGZ which is the cheapest at LSZH (https://mfgz.ch/de/general-aviation-handling-zurich-airport-kloten-en/ and https://mfgzallink-live-d35e265fc77f4052ae81e7-5a2c15b.aldryn-media.com/filer_public/fe/81/fe815473-4b00-4f7b-bc79-63639d23d62a/price-list-handling2020.pdf). Additionally there is a passenger fee of 18.65CHF per passenger. IFR there might be some approach charges by Skyguide. There are security checks going to the apron and your handler will take you to and from the airplane.
You need a slot (VFR and IFR) which can only be arranged via telephone earliest the day before. The slot office opens at 0600UTC (08:00 LT) in the morning so be sure to call around that time, depending on when you want to go slots can be gone soon (number is limited, cf. AIP). Telephone number is: 0041 43 816 46 37
Here are the times for slots in the summer https://www.zurich-airport.com/~/media/flughafenzh/dokumente/business_und_partner/flugbetrieb/overview_airport_slots_summer_actype_20190918_en.pdf
Note that currently some restrictions regarding slot times are lifted (see NOTAM) however the number of total amount of slot has not changed.
VFR you also need to do an online course (Web based training – slot office might ask for WBT): https://elearning.zurich-airport.com/login
ATC flight plans are mandatory and times have to match your slot time and you have to put “RMK/Handling mfg” in field 18.
Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
Just one more thing that comes to my mind: you have to be within +/- 15 minutes of your slot time VFR. IFR you have to call clearance delivery in a 5 minute window.