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Bremen information - no one home

MedEwok wrote:

Bremen Information is my “home FIS” and I never experienced something like this yet. Usually I think their service is quite good, I received lots of useful traffic information from them during my XC-Solos.

Like bosco I think it is a disgrace to let them be so understaffed that a situation as described in the OP occurs. Very un-German!

I flew to from Leer to Heringsdorf on the 2nd of August and just as I was passing Gustrow I was told that the controllers of Bremen Information over Mecklenberg Vorpommern close for the day at 5pm…. as per smh, I was told ‘in case of emergency, call radar’.

Having said that, it’s ONLY the Eastern sector which appears to close, I’ve often returned from the Islands on a Sunday evening and there’s been no issue for service, even if the airwaves are a little hectic.

I also note something fairly interesting. I called Bremen Information (western sector), hoping for Traffic Information, expecting to be told ‘Unable due to controller workload’ and was given a squawk. Others were being given the squawk, others denied due to workload, even though they were all heading south from the islands.

It suddenly clicked. All those getting squawks were faster aircraft (faster than your typical P28A and C172), those going slower were expected to use Eyeball Mark 1. Anyone else noted this?

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 28 Aug 16:27
EDL*, Germany

This is in line with my experience. The western sector is served – the eastern is from time to time neglected.
I hope the coming restructure of the service will improve it.

ekbr ekbi, Denmark
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