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Flying pilots back to their planes once separated by bad weather and a need to get home....

My club which has several mechanics usually in case of AOG sends one of our C182 with a mechanic and tools on board and they repair on site, usually the next monday after the incident.
There is always a member willing to fly this kind of mission.
That’s the good side of club flying

LFOU, France

The issue in Howard’s case is that the destination is a dump in the middle of nowhere a popular UK GA destination with dodgy food guaranteed to result in a stent within 12 months – pic from 2001

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Oh how age hath withered us…….

Egnm, United Kingdom

Someone from Elstree (EGTR, my home base) has kindly offered to ferry me to Compton Abbas to retrieve my plane later this week. Hopefully a quick visit will not only allow me to fly my plane away but also make me look 16 years younger. (Great pic Peter.)

(I should add that I have had some very kind offers (by EuroGA member-to-member messaging) of a ferry flight from two people on here. However, I only saw those offers after having already accepted the offer from an EGTR-based plane.)

Happy flying everyone.


Last Edited by Howard at 23 Aug 07:04
Flying a TB20 out of EGTR
Elstree (EGTR), United Kingdom

My plane is now home again.

I got a lift to Compton in an NAC-1 Series 180 Freelance (serial number 1)…in fact the only one of its kind I believe. A very strange beastie. I am very grateful.


Flying a TB20 out of EGTR
Elstree (EGTR), United Kingdom
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