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It is the little things

… that brighten up the day.

I was flying from Schoenhagen EDAZ to Stuttgart EDDS. Berlin Departure said “climb rate 1000 ft per minute or greater” and I was happy to give them 1200 ft/min until FL100. Later Stuttgart Tower said “reduce to 120 knots” when I was on the ILS going 160 KIAS as usual when using a CAT airport. That was followed by “reduce to minimum landing speed” to make further room for other traffic.

At the GAT I saw a full lineup of other little planes.

Puts a smile on my face.

Frequent travels around Europe

one of my favorite little things was arrival to LJPZ few years ago when we had a Cirrus (probably SR20 I admit ) few nm in front of us but ATC send us direct to final in front of him. So we landed creating no delays for this slow aircraft


One gets a lot of nice little things in GA.

The first one is the number of really nice people one meets. Without that it would be really boring and I would have given up years ago.

One moment I recall was at a certain sleepy Greek island, c. 2004. I went up to the tower to pay the landing fee. They said “What landing fee? – welcome to Greece!”

And I had the same at another sleepy Greek island much more recently. Nobody downstairs knew what to do about paying but eventually they passed me a phone having dialed the number of the ATCO in the tower. I said I would like to pay. He said “Nothing to pay”. I said “How is that possible??” He replied, with a pretty good grip on the lingo “I bet that’s the best news you’ve had all day!”. In truth the landing fee would have been about €20 anyway, half of that being a passenger fee…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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