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SIA Charging for IFR plates?

I use Jepps, but I thought I would download an approach plate from the French AIS site for comparison. Now unless I am going senile I can’t see how to do this without paying 234 Euro for a years subscription.Has anybody else seen this? Have any other European AIS sites started to charge for public documents? Share your information.

Nuthampstead , United Kingdom

Not sure what you mean by AIS, but the German VFR AIP has been “for pay” for a long time now. And what a shame that is! I can’t understand there hasn’t yet been some enterprising freethinking German citizen taking legal action.

[[edit: and the same nonsense bullshit in Switzerland, apparently. How can we be expected to respect law if its letter is not made available to us without constraint? ]]

PS what was the exact plate you wanted to download? I’d be particularly surprised about the French making trouble, they have always believed in the concept of “public service” AND acted accordingly.

Last Edited by at 24 Sep 15:39
EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

Swiss AIP is also paid but I though the French was free.

LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

The SIA plates are under “VAC atlas” for the VFR aerodromes.

You can find the whole set in the autorouter AIP browser and the Eurocontrol EAD site.

And the IFR charts can be found under “eAIP” on that site. Extremely awkward but still free, as I just verified.

Yes. You cannot possibly be looking in the right place.

The VAC Atlas still provides one PDF for each airfield. The IFR plates on the other hand have become a real PITA since they migrated to eAIP which I think must be a piece of SW provides by some pan-european body since it is used by several countries. You get one file for each plate and need to download them all individually.

I now use the EuroGA router (autorouter) for airfield documentation since it provides a single source for all countries, and it serves a single PDF for each airfield.


Thank you all. I am now up to date.

Nuthampstead , United Kingdom

For others, Noe’s URL is now outdated, since the link changes with every new AIRAC cycle.

The first part of the URL ( is generally the best starting point. For IFR charts, then click on eAIP in the upper left corner which gives a few tables with a link to the current AIRAC cycle docs as indicated by Noe. For VFR charts, click on Atlas VAC (the line after eAIP) and then the VAC Aerodromes link. This provides a table to search on all aerodromes by name or ICAO code and then retrieves a pdf with all the VFR pages for the selected AD. As far as I can tell, there isn’t a single pdf available with all AD’s…..

Last Edited by chflyer at 16 Oct 10:14
LSZK, Switzerland

chflyer wrote:

As far as I can tell, there isn’t a single pdf available with all AD’s

Use the EuroGA router and you will get all plates in a single PDF. That’s one-stop shopping for all countries (except Switzerland??)

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