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Tying down and tiedown methods

My C182 certainly moved when it was at Palo Alto, if the wind was strong. Not hurricane strong, 25G40 or so. It was tied down but even so I’d sometimes find it at the limit of the downwind tie down.

LFMD, France

For a high wing, I would be concerned, if the wind speed in gusts reaches take-off speed at empty weight ;-)
With my low wing it is a bit less risk, but i do take in the flaps (which normally stay down to avoid someone stepping on them – don’t ask).

EDM_, Germany

I recall an accident report where an aircraft “tied down” with weight blocks was blown away by strong winds and collided with other parked aircraft. With regards to the weight blocks, the report laconically observed that “aircraft are designed to take-off with a load”.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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