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IFPS accepting long DCT all across Austria?

@airways: very strong words, but very little hard facts. Why should this be a “hack” or otherwise “immoral”?

The LOMRO VEKEN DCT is explicitly mentioned in LO1A as allowed DCT. It is there because someone deliberately put it there. Someone who very likely thought about it.

@airways, your employer should either make sure restrictions are accurately implemented in IFPS, or pressure your “croissant” vendor to fix their bugs. Procuring bad software and then swear at your customers even though they fly according to published rules sounds quite unprofessional and uncooperative to me.

@boscomantico the easiest way to do it would be if you could open a ticket, add the airfield coordinates, name and elevation, so we can add it to the database. Or if you have many airfields missing electronically, we can think about some bulk import.

LSZK, Switzerland

Thank you very much Tom. By the looks of things, I will have a different destination now, so will probably not get to file this. Interesting though.

Re the airfields database, as soon as I have time, we might want to make a joint effort there to insert the missing airfields for Italy. We are talking roughly about 250 unlicensed airfields…


Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

I have some data (coordinates, altitude, mostly runway and AFIS frequency – if any) for a great many fields in Italy.

But I cannot vow for it being correct, let alone complete. A good deal of it was collected from the www with no verification ever. And even if it was correct at one time, there’s no way to be sure it is correct right now. That is the hard part with this kind of information.

Still, I will gladly share it as a csv file or such.

But wouldn’t it be more effective to use the downloads from At least there is some maintenance being done on that dataset.

Last Edited by at 09 May 18:00
EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

The only approach that would make sense would be to use the Avioportolano data and airfield codes. I will talk to Guido Medici on the next occasion and see if we can do something here.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany
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