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CB IR and EIR published today

I rang CATS at Cranfield (one of the UK’s better known ground schools) and they said that as yet, they didn’t have either a formal sylabus, question bank or any exam papers, and was told to ring back in a week or so as they should no more then. If the revised TK course is in place this side of the summer, I’ll be very surprised…


The rule is “flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes”. Anything wrong with this interpretation: it is flight time under and cleared for an IFR flight plan whist being PIC in an aeroplane?

This time adds up fast if you fly IFR in Europe or USA every now and then, no?

Niner Mike

Abeam the Flying Dream
EBKT, western Belgium, Belgium

9M I agree

Darley Moor, Gamston (UK)

Just a quick update: I proudly let you know that I have just passed my Skill Test to convert my FAA IR into a EASA IR. Just some paperwork to process still.

Am I the first person on earth who possesses a modern EASA IR without the gold plating ?

Abeam the Flying Dream
EBKT, western Belgium, Belgium

Well done!!

I suspect you may well be the very first in Europe.

Unless someone else knows differently…….

Last Edited by Neil at 05 Jun 14:28
Darley Moor, Gamston (UK)

Congratulations 9M..good job


Lots of people in Germany have taken the test several weeks ago.

However, the german LBA currently still refuses to process the paperwork and add the IR onto the EASA licenses…

Last Edited by boscomantico at 05 Jun 23:40
Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

So I am still in the running for gold …. eeeuuh non-gold-plated ?

Abeam the Flying Dream
EBKT, western Belgium, Belgium

Reading some stuff around the web I come across assertions (particularly aggressive ones by one well known ex RAF AOPA activist) that any attempt to publish a QB with the actual exam questions will be treated as a breach of copyright.

Yet, the JAA QB has been out for a decade, following its official release under a FOI Act application.

And the CB IR syllabus (“learning objectives”) are a subset of the JAA IR syllabus which is a subset of the 14-exam ATPL material for which the original QB was released.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom


I am happy and proud to let you know that I received the fresh EASA PPL license in the mail, with the Instrument Rating CAT 1 added.
Note the clear lack of gold-plating, no need of ATO, no question banks, just a professional IRE checking out if I was able to fly on instruments in Europe based on about 75 hours of IFR time as PIC.

Niner Mike.

Last Edited by Niner_Mike at 21 Jun 15:25
Abeam the Flying Dream
EBKT, western Belgium, Belgium
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