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PPL and making a living as a youtuber (and YT advertising policies)

And 1 more

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

But from all of my videos, only the one flying over the Swiss Alps got really populair.

You put a lot of work into your videos. They are excellent! Good editing, too.

We are planning a fly-in to Aosta mid-Jan 2022.

The most random things can highly influence the hits. My highest-hit video is this short one

with 4k+ views. Why? A friend living on Brac sent it to a local online magazine, and immediately thousands of people went to view it. Note the silence for > 30 secs; was done to prevent copyright music detection

Videos under 5 mins get a much higher “view all the way” percentage. If you make a 1hr video you might get a few % – even if it tells you how to get nuclear fusion to work.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

alioth wrote:

My most viewed flying video has got 140k views over 14 years, in glorious standard definition :-)

That one was really good!

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

@alioth brilliant video and editing

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

This is how you make your million

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Snoopy wrote:

Anyone else noticed the massive increase in 15 or 30 second ads on YouTube? Very annoying.

I took the plunge and upgraded that to prime for up to 5 participants in the same family. Makes for a totally different viewer experience. And as I have neither netflix nor any other paid TV, I can afford that one.

Snoopy wrote:

Will look into Patreon, is it ad free?

Patreon is a fund rising platform. A bit like go fund me but with more possibilities. Quite a few youtube channels use it and of course quite a few others.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

“Pilots: top 10 ways to get rich quick”
“1 simple trick to get an ATPL’
“You won’t believe what this blonde pilot found in the cockpit”
“6 incredible speed mods for a C152”

Plus plenty of !!!

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom

alioth wrote:

My most viewed flying video has got 140k views over 14 years, in glorious standard definition :-)

One more. Great stuff.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

I don’t know how much this one is making but it’s another example of a standard formula which always works…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I am not really sure that this kind of channel is the typical money machine. It may be for some but there are others.

On the GA side, I like Guido Warneke’s channel as well as Jimmy’s World (yes that is a commercial channel) or Matt Guthmiller. Also the new one recently discussed here with her Bonanza is quite ok. What also works well apparently is any form of restauration channels, Jimmy’s World is one of those, there are many for cars such as “samcrack” or “legitstreetcars” and also a guy called “carmaniac” in Germany who is on about electric cars. None of them have yet pulled the “sex sells” thing, yet they make quite comfortable livings out if the whole thing.

I know a few folks who do youtubing for a living, mostly travel vlogers. Most of them started out as hobby channels and turned monetized via sponsoring, youtube monetizing and patreon only after reaching a certain amount of appeal. The ones I watch from time to time are usually quite nice folks, who do not resort to this kind of “sex sells” stupidities but who can do quite well. Sam Chui is an airline Vloger turned spotter (he was quite famous for his spotter pics before he started doing vlogs) or similar folks.

I think most of these don’t see themselves as influencers but simply wish to lead the kind of life they do and finance it by doing it. clearly there are others. I recall a channel of a boating woman who sells “uncensored” footage of the rather explicit reports she has on youtube via Vimeo… I find those boring.

Well done channels are not a bad thing at all, particularly for aviation. They show outsiders the good side of GA and can be quite motivating for those who think of getting a license. Seeing that there are people who are out there and doing what they dream of is not the worst way of promoting GA.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland
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