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Any tips for Speyer or Straubing?

So landed in Speyer. Nice little airport. Good of the German board members to arrange for sunshine too!

Only trick was the offset final approach track which seems tighter than it looks on the chart (an illusion due to displaced threshold).

EGTK Oxford

Yeah, and some nice warm temperatures too, eh? 23 degrees today... Unfortunately, the sunshine takes a break tomorrow. Looks like rain, too.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Straubing this morning had a bit of low cloud/ fog. Longest hold I have ever had, three times round the STAUB hold. I was number 2, number three had the Roding hold first followed by the STAUB! Downside of no radar is only 1 aircraft in procedure at a time.

EGTK Oxford

Well, at least they HAVE an IFR approach, which is quite rare among smaller airports in Germany ...

Alexis, that actually has not been my experience. You want a country with no IFR approaches try the UK.

EGTK Oxford

But Jason, where are the IFR approaches for small airports? Even the nicest one in Germany, EDAZ, Schoenhagen, has not even a GPS approach ... while a smiliar one in the UK (Gloucester) has an ILS. There's a couple but not really many ...

Schwabish Hall, Eggenfelden, Straubing, Bremerhaven. Lots. Far far more than the UK.

EGTK Oxford

Hey, I think you named them all :-) But since I don't fly the UK so much I can't tell! I know EGBJ and Cambridge have IFR ...

But when I look here I see MANY IFR airports:

And these are all the ones in Germany:

Looks like 99:60 to me ...

4 holds at Straubing this morning! I wasn’t waiting for another aircraft to land, but for the airfield to open! I met Joerg Schroeder, he certainly knows more than a few things about the PA46…


Jan Schröder you mean? I’ll have the pleasure of spending 2 days with him next week, my last annual with a German flag on the tail!

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