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Which aircraft to buy? TB20 looks good, but...

To confuse the still present OP even more… and not mentioned yet (really?), is the hi vs low wing pros/cons which could be the crux. I’m too lazy to search for, but we (or you guys since I probably wasn’t born yet…) probably already argued on here, the honorable EuroGA, about the most desirable wing position.

Cessna singles are mostly hi wingers, whilst the rest (TB whatever, Mooneys, Pipers (talking about the category the OP is lookin at) are mostly low wingers…

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

boscomantico wrote:

boscomantico27-Oct-23 17:3990
Yes, but the wheels are still small, so it isn‘t good for soft fields.

“..soft fields..”? Who said the OP is a softy?

Socata Rallye MS.893E

Well, if you want to fly in the UK primarily, and enjoy it, you NEED an aircraft which does reasonably well on soft grass fields.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Tbh I’d be perfectly happy with a GNS430 or 530.

In France, and I think most of Europe, a WAAS-capable nav is essential. I haven’t flown a single ILS (or VOR or NDB approach) since starting IFR in France. I’m not sure there even are any left apart from a handful of “airliner” airports.

I know the UK still thinks they’re the devil’s handiwork and is only just moving away from four-way ranges, but if you go anywhere else you’ll need it.

I was very happy with my 530W but now I have a GTN750 I’d never go back. It’s MUCH easier to set up a flight plan, especially because it understands airways. With the 530 you have to twiddle in by hand every single waypoint. You’d have RSI before you even started to taxi.

Last Edited by johnh at 27 Oct 19:03
LFMD, France

johnh wrote:

With the 530 you have to twiddle in by hand every single waypoint

Not if you have Foreflight and Flightstream. FF parses the route and sends the info to the 430/530. Piece of cake. At least in the US, dunno if that works in Europe.

But if the plane with LPV was another 30k (which it probably will be, because somebody chucked 30k at some eye candy and wants to recover it) then it’s money wasted, because the difference in minima is minus bugger-all. And out of the UK, the 1st and last airport needs to have C+I and most of them have an ILS. Plus most of the time one doesn’t fly in such atrocious wx anyway.

I can’t find the TB20s mentioned. If people post planecheck ads, they are mostly dead shortly. We should use this site to create local copies. I sometimes do it and back-edit into posts but mostly don’t have time.

Time spent entering waypoints by knob twiddling is frankly irrelevant.

The company at Biggin is apparently OK (if it wasn’t I would put that into a PM, because PROB1000 somebody will tell them and they will threaten to sue) but there is an obvious political danger with a maintenance+hangarage tie: if you dispute something on your mx, your plane will be sitting out in the rain the next day

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

172driver wrote:

Not if you have Foreflight and Flightstream. FF parses the route and sends the info to the 430/530. Piece of cake. At least in the US, dunno if that works in Europe.

Works in EUrope as well.

always learning
LO__, Austria

Snoopy wrote:

172driver wrote: Not if you have Foreflight and Flightstream. FF parses the route and sends the info to the 430/530. Piece of cake. At least in the US, dunno if that works in Europe.

Works in EUrope as well.

Works with Garmin Pilot as well, so that is an Android option.
Although, GTN is much easier in terms of in-flight changes etc, at least to my taste.


Parthurnax wrote:

Yeah so two of those that are on the market (one at 1600 and one at 1750 hours with original engines) at the moment have TKS and fairly decent avionics. I guess you think 170k is a bargain then?

Fair price is what I’d say. And don’t forget: TBO is no longer binding. And with non-aspirated engines, particularly if one has had a top overhaul, 2500-3000 hrs are realistic provided proper trend monitoring is done.

It’s the package which counts. Both those TKS planes are equipped sufficiently to be “fly away” and won’t need any costly upgrades any time soon. That may well be worth thinking of upping the budget a bit, as some stuff you’d have to budget are not present here. 170k would be quite reasonable for either of those planes.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

Peter wrote:

I can’t find the TB20s mentioned.

They are 3 TB20’s UK based on PC, two of them TKS. Those are the planes we are talking about.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland
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