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Mountain ratings, Altiports, Altisurfaces, and the Ratings

French mountain theory course

This might be of interest to any French speakers who fly near mountains. It’s not restricted to people who want to become instructors:


Un stage Théorique d’instructeur montagne est prévu du 10 au 12 mai.

Venez accroître vos connaissances:
Ce stage n’est pas réservé aux seul candidats instructeur montagne

N’hésitez pas à vous renseigner

Voir PJ

Affaire suivie par : Jean-Baptiste ARROUS

Tél. : Fax :

Mail : [email protected]

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Interesting! Do you know the venue, Peter?


It’s at the ENAC campus at Grenoble, but it’s not free and follows hard on the heels of what looks like the biggest airborne invasion of French territory since D-day.

On the other hand, survivors of Operation Carcassonne (if any) will have all week to nurse our headaches and rest our digestive systems before the meeting of European Mountain Pilots hosted by the Luftsportgruppe Kempten-Durach:

46ème Rencontre Internationale des Pilotes Européens de montagne EMP
du 13 au 16 mai 2016 à Kempten – Durach EDMK.

Although ostensibly a gathering of existing mountain pilots, I’m sure that anyone who is even moderately interested in bush or mountain flying will be very welcome – the more the merrier.

Pour toutes questions et informations supplémentaires, avant, pendant et après le meeting, les interlocuteurs suivants sont en permanence disponibles :

En allemand :

Hans Reininger: Tel. 0049.172.7090031
Reiner Schmid: Tel. 0049.1728307567
Erwin Seibold: Tel. 0049. 151.58719090

En français :

Andreas Rogg: Tel. 0049.160.90222688 et Pascale Rogg 0033.6822

En italien:

Hans Reininger: Tel. 0049.172.7090031

En anglais :

Reiner Schmid: Tel. 0049.172.8307567
Erwin Seibold: Tel. 0049.151.58719090

Notre restaurant avec la salle de la manifestation se trouve à proximité de la piste extérieure à 6 km au nord-ouest de l´aérodrome EDMK et est le centre géographique de la région de l´Allgäu. La piste a une pente d´environ 10% et une longueur d´environ 350 mètres. Elle est exactement adaptée pour les pilotes de montagne.
A quelques minutes de vol, se trouvent les plus beaux châteaux d´Allemagne, dont le célèbre château de Neuschwanstein, au piémont des Alpes de l´Allgäu.
L´équipe du Luftsportgruppe Kempten- Durach vous attend avec joie.

Avec nos amicales salutations,

Erwin Seibold
Président du LSG Kempten

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Conversion of French “qualification montagne” and “formation de site” to Part-FCL rating

Holders of non-French Part-FCL licences who also hold a French mountain qualification or a site authorisation for one or more altiports can now convert those qualifications into Part-FCL ratings.

For holders of French Part-FCL licences the conversion conditions are broadly as described in Article 4 of this document and the DGAC has started to issue letters enabling foreign pilots to apply to their national aviation authorities for the EASA mountain rating.

Briefly, the « qualification montagne » is converted into a full Part-FCL mountain rating, authorising use of all altiports and altisurfaces on wheels and/or skis, as appropriate. The « formation de site » is converted into a restricted Part-FCL rating, the privileges of which are limited to one or more altiports.

The latter may be of particular interest to foreign pilots who would like to use an altiport like Courchevel or Megève occasionally, or at a particular time of year. Previously, these site authorisations had to be revalidated by use every six months, but it looks as if the validity of the new MOU(R) (?) is now “to the end of the 24th month”, which seems much more practical.

Conversion for French Part-FCL licence holders is automatic, but most foreign pilots will need to obtain a letter to support their application for the rating. The person to contact is: M. Nicolas CARVAILLO, Bureau des Licences, DSAC Centre-Est. By all means send me a PM if you would like his email address.

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Hello Jacko, what is the status of this, MOU(R) ?

Is it true then that you can now obtain a site qualification for Courchevel with a 24 month validity?


Not true ! The site qualifications have a 6 months validity and are revalidated by a landing or a flight with a MI. For one field (e.g. Courchevel), you have two qualifications : one on the wheels, one on the skis.

LFLG - Grenoble le Versoud, France

michelb wrote:

Not true ! The site qualifications have a 6 months validity and are revalidated by a landing or a flight with a MI

Do you have a source for this?
FCL.815 does not make the distinction, only showing the 2 year validity.

ESMK, Sweden

michelb wrote:

Not true ! The site qualifications have a 6 months validity and are revalidated by a landing or a flight with a MI. For one field (e.g. Courchevel), you have two qualifications : one on the wheels, one on the skis.

Could you detail where you have got this info?
My understanding was that you needed either a valid Mountain rating (skis or wheels depending upon conditions) OR an individual site sign off from a qualified mountain rating instructor. This is written very clearly in the VAC (I checked for Coucheval/Megev, other sites may vary) and relates to light GA. Commercial ops are a different thing altogether.

Last Edited by skydriller at 26 Jan 04:36

Arne wrote:

Do you have a source for this?
FCL.815 does not make the distinction, only showing the 2 year validity.

Yes : French “Journal officiel” of June 21, 2019.
As not a lover of regulations and their starchy texts, my basic informations come from the AFPM website (French mountain pilot association). They mention the different ratings and their validity. Not official though, I know. You have unfortunately to be logged in to reach these informations.

Moreover and as far as I know, FCL815 only talks of the mountain ratings (MOU) but not of the “local site” ratings, which are a French thing.

Also, I can add for these site ratings :
- For people who had passed them before 2018, the validation is 24 months (after the conversion explained above) ; re-validation with 6 landings or a flight check, just like MOU rating
- After 2018, i.e. today, only “altiports” can offer a site rating ; validity 6 months, re-validation with a landing or a flight check (see Journal officiel)

Boring, isn’it ? Now, let’s fly !

LFLG - Grenoble le Versoud, France

skydriller wrote:

Could you detail where you have got this info?

Hope the message above answers.
I fully agree with your understanding, we were just talking about revalidation of the site ratings versus the MOU rating.

LFLG - Grenoble le Versoud, France
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