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Diamond mandates oil analysis - Austro Engine MSB-E-4-039

Yes; my comment is that most people don’t do oil analysis (and many people in GA maintenance are actively against it) so this may increase general awareness

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

chflyer wrote:

Having said that, trying to force people to do something is never a good way to win customers. Sounds like mostly another manufacturer‘s proactive CYA.

From skimming the document I got the impression this was about an engine manufacturing defect, and the oil analysis is to detect whether that particular engine is affected?

This seems to be about the same subject as

Last Edited by lionel at 10 Mar 09:21

Warranty refusal is about all they can do. In the US only the FAA can make anything mandatory.

But not a big deal, and if it increases the use of oil analysis then it will be a good thing. Having said that, trying to force people to do something is never a good way to win customers. Sounds like mostly another manufacturer‘s proactive CYA.

LSZK, Switzerland


This is an interesting precedent. Presumably they will deny warranty if you don’t do it.

So much for all the owners and mechanics who say oil analysis is totally worthless.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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