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ECAC Status for homebuilt / experimental (flight privileges within Europe)

Many thanks for all the contributions. List ist now up to date. Does anybody have experience with: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro or Portugal?


Peter wrote:

What Germany does allow is a foreign reg homebuilt to be based there, for 180 days, and then you can renew for another 180 days, etc. VFR only.

That particular limitation concerning basing an homebuilt only applies to (eg) N registered homebuilts. For homebuilts registered in an ECAC state, there are no limitations to how long the aircraft is based there – this was confirmed to me by the owner of an Austrian registered RV9, the owner of a Dutch registered Alpi Pioneer 400 as well as the BR inspectors…..

EDL*, Germany

Dan wrote:

Well done, thanks for the effort @juze 👏🏻

Interestingly enough, in all these years and trips, the only time the status of my steed as a homebuilt was ever questioned was at Germany’s Helgoland EDXH. I since then carry that LBA Allgemeinerlaubnis für Einflüge Ausländischer Selbstbau-Luftfahrzeuge in das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland found in GEN 1-17 of the AIP.

My steed was ramp checked in Stadtlohn, the inspectors of the BR just wanted to see the permit to check it’s validity plus other docs such as insurance, radio licence as well as my licence / medical but nothing else concerning the legality for it being there……..

EDL*, Germany

all experimental associations (RSA for France, EAS for CH, LAA for UK… and EFLEVA at EU level) would be glad to communicate this to their members as none really managed to maintain an up-to-date listing of the current status.

Very good idea @BOD 👍🏻
I will inform our Swiss EAS association.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Super useful, thanks @juze !
I believe that all experimental associations (RSA for France, EAS for CH, LAA for UK… and EFLEVA at EU level) would be glad to communicate this to their members as none really managed to maintain an up-to-date listing of the current status.

LSGY, LFSP, LFHM, Switzerland

Peter wrote:

The latter is “you just fly because nobody checks” but this thread is not about that. We would need a new thread with a name like “how to dodge the regulations and not get caught”. Feel free to start one; it is a good topic.

let’s agree to disagree
the people who fly IFR in German airspace on “homebuilts” I was referring to in my previous post, are not taking chances, that I know for sure


UK and France actually – here.

28 day limit.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

arj1 wrote:

Re: Spain – I think it depends on the country your are coming from, UK requires PPR now, apparently.

might well be …
I was referring to EU internal flights, anyway thanks for the remark


Q: what’s the point?
a legal analysis or a practical guidance?

The former.

The latter is “you just fly because nobody checks” but this thread is not about that. We would need a new thread with a name like “how to dodge the regulations and not get caught”. Feel free to start one; it is a good topic.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

RV14 wrote:

Bulgaria is PPR → [email protected]
Spain is PNR not PPR, which does make a difference

Re: Spain – I think it depends on the country your are coming from, UK requires PPR now, apparently.

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