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New Server (and donations to EuroGA)

Thank you

A mailshot is just going to everyone who has ticked the box in their profile allowing emails.

BTW it has become apparent that not everyone can pay by Paypal. I am happy to supply bank details to anyone who would prefer to do a bank transfer.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Did my bit yesterday :-)

It’s good value.


Also donated. Thanks for running the forum!

Did my bit just now, what I can do at the moment.

Thanks for offering this virtual home.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

The donations have been really generous again. So many thanks to you all

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thanks for the work for this site and tanks for the nice people on it as well… I made my small contribution to keep things up :-)

Belgium: EBGB (Grimbergen, Brussels) - EBNM (Namur), Belgium

A little late this year, but I contributed a bit. Thank you very much that you keep the forum running.

EDDS , Germany

The biggest ever donation – €250 – has just been received!

There has been a number of €100 ones in 2019. They were mostly from Eastern Europe. I would do a piechart again but it is quite a lot of work due to the numbers and Paypal doesn’t seem to offer an automated way of doing it.

Thank you for all your great support!

The new EuroGA Airports database is also now running so things are moving along.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

This is a fresh appeal for donations

Some software changes are needed in the background and nowadays this costs GBP 600/day plus VAT

Anything you can contribute will be hugely appreciated, as always.

Alternatively, I still have a few EuroGA t-shirts in XL and rather more in XXL left, at €13 each, including postage in Europe.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter, what’s the e-mailadres associated with your paypal account ? I need it to use with the paypal-app.

EBST, Belgium
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