Thanks for the report, I really enjoyed reading it!
Hi Roland,
You need to renew every 6 months. For now, I prefer not to register it in Spain, better to stay clear of AESA if possible. It would be a problem anyway because (for now) Spain uses 450 kg as MTOM (unlike most other countries 472 kg incl parachute) and my plane is a bit heavy empty with lots of options.. The other advantage is that many controllers think I’m a certified plane this way May come in handy one day, as the official UL rules in Spain are 1.000 ft AGL and clear of controlled airspace, although one thing is the rules and another thing is how it often works in practice.
Jan, good to see you back here!
I am not back. I did want to show appreciation for your very nice trip and the superb report. It will be carefully and very gratefully remembered.
The other advantage is that many controllers think I’m a certified plane this way
…the 90HP Super Cub also enjoys similar gender fluidity but at 80knots :)
Great report. Thanks. Are some of the fields also accessible with a Echo-Class bird, or are they all UL only?
Of the fields we visited, only Casarrubios, Soria and Jaca also allow Echo class (as you call it).
There are fields that are converting from UL-only to include certified aircraft. There is a procedure that the operator of the field has to go through to ‘certify’ the field, no big deal apparently, still need to find out what it entails. Note that it is then up to the pilot whether he thinks that the field meets his minima. Often the rwy length is not that impressive..
aart wrote:
Echo class
What’s that ???
E. used in Germany for ‘certified’. You can see it on the call signs. D-Exxx
It‘s an entirely German term. Hardly anybody else understands it.
In the Germanic nomenclature, it means „single engine aircraft below 2 tons MTOW“, excluding motorgliders and ultralights, but including, for example, experimentals. So it doesn‘t really stand for „certified“.