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Pula Croatia LDPL Info

Do any of you have info on Pula? I tried to email them regarding fees etc but they have not responded.

Next Ill try calling but most of these Admins request that you email them for information. A catch 22 situation.

Thanks in advance.


A report which mentions Pula is here. I paid HRK 473 for landing and 3 nights’ parking. Everything went very smoothly.

Contact details from 2013:

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
[email protected]

I was there in January – they are always responsive and friendly. The airport is bit renovated and looks much better than few years ago.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

If I’m going on a day trip I don’t contact them at all. If I needed few days of parking I would contact them.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Thanks for all who responded. Whenever I see an airport which lists no Avgas available but does have Jet A I start to get suspecious about their small GA priorities. That no AVGAS info was obtained from the AIP.

So after not getting a response to my email I started the arduous task of getting the info over the phone.
Not everyone that was contacted spoke English but they did make ever effort to shuttle me to someone who did and then onto someone who could answer my questions. All in all a very friendly and helpful.

Here is the nuts and bolts:

Landing and drop off 47.50 Euro includes everything no surprises
Staying overnight 62.50 Euros includes 1 night
6 Euros/day parking each 24 hrs
8 Euros/Passenger Departure Fee
AVGAS is available and it price is around 2 Euros/Lt

Initially there was mention of a technical stop at being 50%off but the prices above is what I was quoted.
They have Customs and Immigration on the field at no extra charge.

Asked why nobody answered my email, I was told since it is not busy the person answering emails only works part time and probably hadnt been in.

[email protected]
Direct Tel line +38552530131

Fuel suplier: “INA” – headquarter Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 64 50 942 Fax: +385 1 64 52 831 e-mail: [email protected]

Is there anyway Peter we can have a database created on EuroGa where we can access such reports for future requests from pilots doing flying research?

By the way great trip report Peter

Emir Thanks for your info after looking at it and then comparing the numbers which I was told I could not reconcile the difference. In any case it looks cheaper with what they told me than what I added up.


By the way they told me I didnt need any Customs or Immigration from Hungary. Are they right about that?
If so it would be a considerable savings not having to land at an International airport in Hung or calling out C&I to LHTL. Are they now Schengen?


C210_Flyer wrote:

By the way they told me I didnt need any Customs or Immigration from Hungary. Are they right about that?

They are not right. You don’t need customs but you surely need immigration. Schengen is planned for 2020.

BTW all Croatian airports have both Avgas and Jet-A1.

LDZA LDVA, Croatia


Thanks for the heads up.


Have fond memories of Pula…. Arrived there from Vilshofen and was greeted by this picture above a luggage band…… (zoom in onto the screen to see what I’m referring to…..)

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 19 Mar 20:05
EDL*, Germany

I don’t think the screen is visible but I guess you are referring to your aircraft reg displayed under Arrivals? I have seen that at some Greek airports. Also at Luxor the board showed a load of bizjets.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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