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Nice and friendly GA Airports in the area of Montpellier LFMT / Perpignan LFMP / Beziers LFMU

They have English speaking apron/terminal staff at LFMU who (I guess) are capable of helping in translating the instructions. You may send question about operating the pump when announcing your arrival (24h PPR for non-Schengen). I’ve always got reply on recent pricing, availability etc. Working hours are specified in NOTAM.

Regarding my recent experience, May 2021, 25 min total for immigration, refueling and paying the fees (€15).

Last Edited by Emir at 26 Sep 08:37
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

Reading AIP one can see that their “main” email address is [email protected]

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Those screenshots were re LFMP.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I am having a bit of fun emailing Perpignan LFMP regarding this. Three email addresses listed in the AIP. The main one

LFMP has moved in 2020 from edis/transdev (private operator) back to region ocetanie (cci public style), I think that email is dead now?

The good news no one give a toss about what you do down there

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

I’ve got a reply from Perpignan saying they accept the email notification, but “next time” could you use the app

Also got a nice reply from Beziers saying there is also someone to help with the pump. They need passport details for everyone.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

This is a joke surely?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

What is “basic traffic”? Were you not a “basic traffic”?

Addon after reading the French version. They meant “not based”.

Last Edited by lionel at 20 Sep 12:13

Unless you are refuelling on the spot of the self-serve pump and then leave immediately, you need a parking space. But yes, reminding you of the three days PN requirement when you actually gave them two (in the middle of the week!) is ridiculous. But I am sure it is not a joke.

Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

For refuel stop only you need to comply with 3 days for parking? also what is ‘Basic Traffic’? something related to traffic landing to have “basic human needs” that are done with aircraft doors closed? I had the impression it’s also not possible in many big airports you need to be handled, go through security/police and pay fortunes for handlers

Reminds me of dropping Mrs in front of fuel pump or front of tower at Caen when they had parking Notams, ATC/OPS went crazy about it !

Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

For some reason I did not see the crazy notam during original planning.

Does Beziers have a similar problem?

Another good airport bites the dust.

I told them in my email that I can’t speak French so may not be able to use a French only pump.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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