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Nice and friendly GA Airports in the area of Montpellier LFMT / Perpignan LFMP / Beziers LFMU

I don’t understand what sum( … ) means.

Anyway, I’ve been told that LFMU is good for Fri or Sat, basically all day, 27th or 28th Sep.

This sort of thing, leaving one guessing, will drive non-locals around the bend.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I don’t understand what sum( … ) means.

Summer and winter time, according do daylight savings, so this year SUM is until October 27th.

Last Edited by Emir at 26 Sep 17:08
LDZA LDVA, Croatia

On a fuel+customs stop at LFMU on the 28th Sep, the rather arrogant man in the GA terminal would not let us use the toilet. He said it is “VIP only”. On previous visit they did allow it. He said we must go through passport check and to the main terminal.

OTOH we didn’t pay anything, so it will be interesting if an invoice turns up. If it does I will say “something” to the airport management. No doubt they won’t care (after all they have given the GA concession to that firm) but it’s worth doing.

On the plus side the pump is self service (so no Ryanair fuel induced delays) and did actually work correctly in English, once the language was manually selected at the outset. No assistance needed. So maybe someone is listening…

I will give it a month or two before doing a report on our database, in case an invoice turns up.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Arrived at Montpellier on September 20th, refuelled as required with request via ATC - fairly efficient, and despite the AIP, may use the UK Card (DEBIT/CREDIT).

I stayed overnight in a nearby hotel and then proceeded to IBZ the next morning; there were no security issues and the pilot’s passport/license was used to return to the aircraft. Return on September 30th. Similarly, JetA1 arrived soon (5 minutes), and we were on our way. I will post a report after the bill arrives.

Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom

Reports for both a night stop and also the tech stop.

Probably the most efficient GA airport in the Med, despite the PNR. Very uncomplicated and stress free.

Qualified PPL with IR SP/SE PBN
EGSG, United Kingdom
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